Chapter 13...DAY 3 CONTINUED....

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Chapter 13

My eyes flashed over to Grady and I stared at him in shock as what Carson said really began to sink in.

He was still sitting at the table, head down, fists clenched, not even sensing what had just gone down on the phone with Carson. I gazed at him until the shock disappeared and there was only anger; after all I’d done to help him, after all the lecturing and trying to get him out of trouble time and time again and he goes and starts doing drugs!

No one in that moment could describe the rage building inside me at his actions; he just wanted to waste his life away; he didn’t care about the people trying to help him; the people who suffered when he did stupid things like this. The selfish bastard!

My eyes blazing, despite the soreness travelling through my body I walked over to where he sat; oblivious to the world around him and dragged him out of his seat by his collar.

“Dude what the-“

“Shut the fuck up, the only thing I want to hear from you is who those men were and why they wanted you dead.” My tone brooked no argument but he shrugged out of my grasp and stood not far away straightening his clothes.

“I thought we discussed this. Sometimes it’s best not to know everything.” He said with a pointed look but I wasn’t having any of his bullshit.

“Yeah I heard you the first time and I don’t give a shit. Now start talking.” I growled and watched as his eyes narrowed. I wanted him to be the one to explain.

“Starting talking huh? And since when are you my fucking father?” he retorted and turned to go.

“You know Grady, you’ve done a lot of stupid shit in your life but I never pegged you for a fool until now.” I said menacingly.

He instantly stopped in his tracks and whipped around to face me, his eyes narrowed and his face contorted in anger.

“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he practically shouted.

“Drugs Grady. really? I don’t even know why I thought you were smarter than that.”

He froze at my words. His entire body stiffening and his eyes going wide with shock and fear.

“W-what are you talking about?” he managed to get out over his stuttering.

“Don’t bother playing dumb with me, I know all about your little after school activities and I know that’s why you disappear all the time.” I told him. My eyes pierced his, daring him to deny it.

“H-how?” was all he asked, confirming what Carson had said. I didn’t know why I had even held out the hope that maybe it was all some kind of mistake, that Grady would just laugh it off as he did everything else.

“Carson did some digging.” I spat, and the instant I said his name  Grady tensed further, his fists clenching until his knuckles turned white.

“He had no right!” Grady blazed, his eyes flashing in anger.

“He had every right! The moment your friends shot me it become pack business.” I shouted back causing him to flinch.

“Don’t call them that.” He said voice lowered and shaky, eyes wide.

“Then what else should I call them Grady, please, enlighten me.” I replied, my voice equally soft yet deadly.

“You can’t honestly believe I’m friends with those criminals.” He continued, peering at me intently as he awaited my answer.

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