Chapter 18: Typical Grady....

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Chapter 18

~Grady’s POV~

Thomas was annoyed.

I knew this because every time I sent him a text he either didn’t reply and I had to send it again or he answered in monosyllables. I couldn’t help it though I’d already finished my art piece for visual arts class so I was stuck here bored as hell while Thomas was living it up in physics.

He always got annoyed when I texted him in class, he was after all a nerd; only he certainly didn’t even come close to looking the part.

I typed up another message and hit send then looked around the room at my fellow classmates who were all still slaving over the simple assignment; I could never understand why people found anything school related so difficult since it was all so simple to me.

When my phone vibrated I picked it up from the desk and read Thomas’s reply then couldn’t help but groan in annoyance.

“I just don’t think getting that bike is a good idea.” Thomas had texted back.

“Why not? And don’t say it’s irresponsible because getting a bike doesn’t mean I’m not responsible.” I replied.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he’d have a problem with it. He probably thought I’d do something reckless with it but what he couldn’t seem to grasp was that I’d changed. Ever since getting a taste of what it would feel like if Thomas left me I wasn’t about to do something stupid to jeopardize that. Hell no.

“Wish u’d listen 2 me for once.” Thomas replied and I rolled my eyes at the phone.

“Stop worrying grandma, I’m not gonna do something stupid you’ll see.” I sent back and not a minute later his reply came in.

“Just don’t come crying to me when you end up in prison for running somebody over.”

I chuckled at that but stood my ground. I wouldn’t allow him to sway me.

“Yeah yeah asswipe, making a down payment today.”

“Yup.” Was his only reply, which in ‘Thomas language’ meant he wasn’t pleased and as much as I valued his opinion I was getting the bike anyway, why not? You only live once right?

Besides, he worried too much; and while I appreciated his concern it could be a bit annoying, like right now for instance.

“I hate when you do this -_-” I typed then hit send.

There went my mood.

“What? If you wanna buy it then buy it, don’t let me stop you.” He sent back. And while it sounded nice and innocent on its face I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

“Stop trynna make me feel guilty. I’ve wanted a bike forevr now, gonna make the down payment today. For sure.” I jammed on the phone buttons and slammed down the phone causing a few students to look up at me in question but a quick grin  in their direction had them smiling back and continuing with their work.

Meanwhile my fingers drummed on the table as I awaited his reply. Just like that he’d succeeded in making me feel guilty.  

Stupid Thomas.

“Okay.” Was what he texted back and I fought the urge to fling the phone across the room.

“Stop that!” I sent.

“Stop what?” he replied.

“Stop being you! It’s annoying!”

“Welcome to my world, maybe you should remember how it feels to be annoyed the next time you try it on me.” Was his reply not two seconds later and I bristled.

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