Chapter 17:...DAY 7....Say 'NO' to Chemistry.....

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Chapter 17

~Thomas’s POV~

I was sitting in the middle of my bed with papers, highlighters and books strewn around me as I tried to study for the test we’d been told we’d be having tomorrow. I had to admit, as much as I’d wanted to finally go back to school I could have done without a chemistry test. Especially since I hated the subject so much.

 I wasn’t much of a science person, reading subjects like history and literature were more my thing, but hey the Alpha wanted a well rounded Beta so I’d just have to deal with it.

We’d gotten a phone call from Jessie earlier asking us to come in for an appointment later today and she’d also given us the unfortunate news that instead of weekly sessions we’d have one every other day. I was pissed, Grady didn’t mind, no surprise there.

 I honestly just wanted it to end so I could go back to being Carson’s second and while I knew that spilling my guts and telling Jessie all our personal problems was the quickest way to get that done I wasn’t comfortable with that. Our business was our business so we’d just have to find some other way to get out of this and fast.

I picked up the sheet of paper again then discarded it when all I could make out was gibberish. This was Grady’s thing not mine.

Speaking of my unhinged mate, he was still over in his room studying, but then judging from the occasional chuckles and the sound of the television coming from that direction I’d guess he hadn’t even picked up a book.

Well when you had a brain like his who needed studying right?


~Hours later~

“I just don’t get why you don’t understand this, it’s so simple, all you have to do is-”Grady was saying as he tried again to explain the topic but I cut him off when I picked up the pillow at my feet and threw it at him.

“Forget it, I give up, I’ll just somehow get through that damn test.” I told him in exasperation, then lay back on the bed.

“But then you’ll fail.” He announced.

“Wow thanks for the vote of confidence buddy.” I said rolling my eyes.

“It’s not like it’s any secret how much you suck at chemistry.” Grady said again then; “Wanna go play battlefield?” he asked, his voice hopeful.

“Oh what the heck, not like I’m learning anything anyway.” I said pushing off the bed.

Plus everyone knew video games were a healthy way to relieve stress.


~Jessie’s POV~

I scribbled some notes on my legal pad for what felt like the hundredth time this evening, then looked back at the pair before me with a bright smile.

“Okay just a few more questions then you can leave.” I told them.

Grady nodded with a smile and as expected Thomas bristled in the corner.

After the way they had behaved in our first meeting I was a bit surprised at how Grady turned out, especially considering the fact that our first meeting was yesterday.

I’d called them back in on short notice because I believed it was better to tackle the problem as frequently as possible and a week seemed too far off.  I smiled at Grady again, he genuinely seemed to be enjoying the session and I was pleased.

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