Chapter 23: Split scenes

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Chapter 23

~Carson’s POV~

“Jake I need to know that you understand what I’m saying because as I said before if you don’t adhere to this rule I can’t allow you to leave….” I told him in what I hoped was a soothing voice.

When he whimpered yet again and brought his hand up to wipe his eyes, still without responding, I held back a frustrated sigh. This kid was getting on my nerves.

I understood that he had been through a great ordeal, I mean it’s not every day you get chased by a wolf bent on eating you alive, but I really just wanted to be sure that if I allowed him to go he wouldn’t go around telling everyone about our existence and as harsh as it seemed, if it meant that my pack would be protected then I had no qualms about resorting to threats.

“Jake.” I said firmly this time and his eyes shot up to mine, wide with fright.

“Are we clear?” I asked.

“P-Please, just let me go!” he wailed and I pushed up from the chair and without another look I was out the door.

“Watch him.” I told the guards standing by .Then I proceeded across the courtyard.

I’d tried to have a conversation with the kid periodically throughout the day, explaining the importance of him keeping it all a secret but he still had yet to give me any sign he’d keep such sensitive information to himself. As much as I wanted to let him go, it didn’t seem as if that would happen anytime soon.


~Grady’s POV~

I was actually going to top Grady! I felt the excitement and the thrill bubble up within me as I hovered over him. He looked nervous, gazing up at me with those big blue eyes and I smiled at the fact that he trusted me enough to do this.

Thomas the Great was about to relinquish control. The thought itself was almost orgasmic. I lowered my head and gently kissed his parted lips, brushing my own over his; once, twice then three times before deepening  it.

 I found it a bit strange when he didn’t try to touch me as he usually did but the thought vanished when I felt him shiver beneath me, then shift slightly before deepening the kiss further, our tongues fighting for control. I ground against him and was rewarded with a moan of pleasure. This spurned me on and I and kissed him with fervor as I rubbed against him. When I pulled away he was panting.

“Who would ‘a thought the great Thomas Gerard would one day lay panting beneath me.” I said with a smirk.

“Shut up Grady.” Thomas chuckled then before I could come up with a witty retort he pulled me back down again and our lips continued their onslaught.


~Carson’s POV~

“Hey you okay?”

I turned around to see Laken walking towards me, his brows furrowed in concern.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just having a hard time with Jake.” I told him then when he came to stand beside me I put my hand around his shoulder and continued my walk from the courtyard and up the street.

“You really think he’ll tell somebody?” he asked, looking up at me with those wide, trusting eyes I just couldn’t get enough of.

“Yeah I do. He’s terrified right now, if I let him go he’ll run to the first person he sees and that’s it for us.” I said with a shake of my head.

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