Chapter 15:...DAY 5... His Fatal Flaw...

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Chapter 15

I walked into my house at about noon the next day with a heavy heart. My night of drunken bliss hadn’t lasted and so I was dragged back to reality a few hours before with the realization that I was just as lost as I had been the night before.

When I woke this morning; with a massive headache mind you, Rivers had clued me in on the happenings of the night before.

Apparently I’d gotten drunk at the club, called him up and after he had taken me back to his place Grady had showed up to apologize. That’s what Rivers told me because I could only remember bits and pieces from the night before. 

Though I could have sworn I witnessed Grady threaten Rivers at one point during my drunken haze but that could have easily been just a dream.

I deposited the house keys on the stand next to the door and toed off my shoes. I was tired as hell despite sleeping all night and it felt as though I’d been someone’s punching bag recently. I just wanted to flop down onto something soft and sleep until I was numb. I took one step towards the couch then paused looking around the living room in surprise.

I could honestly say that ever since I’d lived on my own I’d never seen the place look so spotless. There were no empty beer cans waiting to be disposed of, no stray sock that had wondered away from the laundry basket and no half eaten back of chips strewn about. My messy bachelor pad was looking squeaky clean and I rolled my eyes when it occurred to me why it was.

It was clear that Grady was trying to get into my good graces by cleaning my place but if he thought for one minute that this is what it would take to make me pat him on the back and tell him he was forgiven then he had another thing coming.

I pulled my shirt over my head without undoing the buttons and carefully lowered myself onto the couch; there was just no way I’d make it up those stairs and right now anything soft would do me just fine.

The moment I lowered my head onto the fluffy throw pillow I was disturbed by the loud pounding of feet coming down the stairs and I groaned in annoyance.

“Thomas?” Grady voiced, coming around to the living room. His voice sounded hopeful and slightly nervous and when I blinked up at him from where I lay, I noticed his expression looked the same.

He knelt down beside me and lifted his hand, I assumed it was to run it through my hair but his hand froze at the last minute and he tucked it to his side, looking uncertain. A pang of relief shot through me in that moment but I couldn’t ignore the whisper of disappointment that swam through my veins.

It’s better this way’ I thought because I really wasn’t sure I could handle him touching me at the moment and I needed to stand my ground. Me giving in too easily when he did something wrong was the reason he took advantage of the situation time and time again and at a time like this weakness couldn’t be allowed to prevail.

“Hey.” He said. His eyes piercing mine and for some reason he actually sounded a bit shy which had be raising an eyebrow in surprise.

I made a sound in the back of my throat as a reply, too tired to even utter a few words, then I turned away from him and closed my eyes, trying to get into a comfortable position.

“Can we talk?” he persisted and placed a hand on my naked shoulder. I immediately flinched away from his touch, feeling my flesh grow warm.

I heaved a sigh “We’ll talk later.” I told him finally and closed my eyes once more but I was surprised when he jerked me around to face him, his eyes looking determined and his grip firm

The Beta's Straight Mate (boyxboy) Bk 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora