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Derek's hand twitched as the room came back into focus. His sister lay next to him with blood dripping from her nose. He watched the drop slowly trickle to the floor, to stunned to acknowledge one of his family members who he thought of often was just an arms length away. 

He turned as he eld the side of his head and saw Boyd who didn't appear to be in any better shape. Both betas remained still except for the gentle rise and fall of their chests.

Derek spat blood from his mouth as he tried to sit up. The room was absolutely destroyed. The lockboxes that lined the wall were all blown wide open. Their individual metal doors twisted on their hinges as they swung lightly in the breeze that came down the open air conditioning duct.

"Lilah," he yelled.

He didn't receive a response as he tried to stand. He needed to find her.

The air was thick with a cloud of dust as he tried to spot her.

"Derek!?" Scott yelled as he coughed.

"Scott have you seen Delilah?"

Scott cough again, "no but I have Allison. She is out cold. I don't think anything is broken."

"I have Boyd and Cora."

Scott emerged out of the thick smoke carrying Allison who hung limply in his arms.

"Watch them," Derek ordered Scott as he pointed at the betas. "I need to find her."

Scott only nodded as he placed Allison gently on the ground. He quickly ran to the wall they entered through and pulled out a set of long thick chains that were brought to bind Boyd and Cora together. The process was harder than necessary as the two werewolves only flopped in his arms like a pair of rag dolls.

"What happened?" Scott yelled. He was trying to knock the ringing from his ears as he clenched and unclenched his jaw.

"I have to find her!" Derek roared. Scott could hear the frantic note in his voice as he shifted through the room.

"Derek, stop," Scott said. "She has to be here, the room isn't that big."

"Help me!"

"Okay, okay." Scott shrugged off his jacket and placed it under Allison's head. They may not be together right now but he didn't want to see her hurt or uncomfortable.

"Delilah!?" Derek called through the smoke again. He tried to focus on her heart beat but could only heart the frantic sound of his own.

He pulled a lose metal panel from the floor and had the urge to throw it across the room.

"Derek?" Scott whispered  with a slight panic to his voice. "Derek!"

Derek whipped around and focused on Scott as the debris in the air settled.

Scott was backing away slowly from the corner next to the vault entrance.

"Derek," he said again.

Derek focused his senses and felt his heart stutter.

A growling sounded from the corner as he approached. Scott had fully backed away from the area as he crouched protectively in front of Allison.

"Lilah," Derek called as he moved closer.

A familiar heart beat began to fill his ears as he tried to not be discouraged the growling that continued to increase in volume.

The cloud of dust started to settle further as Derek now saw a pair of intense green eyes staring back at him. They shown with an intensity that he almost thought not to be real until they blinked.

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