here comes the bride.

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Lydia stood her ground with a slight pop to her hip as she looked Kali in the eye.

"Where are they?" Kali roared as she stood in the empty loft. Ethan and Aidan looked on with concern. Kali was very much one to give into her emotions but this is the first time they had seen their usually over confident pack mate so unhinged.

Lydia appeared unaffected by the alpha's furious state and tapped a manicured nail against her chin. She had chosen a dark green match the foliage of Delilah's bouquet. Erica had insisted on it and for once the female wolf had actually made a good aesthetic decision.

"I think Derek said he was heading out to do some shopping, run a few errands... The usual... I understand he had some preparations to make before tonight."

The alpha looked at Lydia unamused as she ran her fingers through her long strawberry blonde hair and formed a pout on her face. "Its like a werewolf afternoon."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali snapped. She wanted direct and useful information, not this 'werewolf afternoon' nonsense.

Lydia looked down and examined the long claws that clicked across the loft floor as the alpha moved. She was stalling hoping that the others, who had decided to leave for the time being, were able to make it to the garage wth out issue. They weren't ready for a fight and she respected that they knew their own limits.

However, even with the others gone, Derek and Delilah were still upstairs and she wasn't sure what was taking them so long. There was so much time she could use to keep Kali's attention on her.

She looked back up from the floor and sucked her teeth in a disapproving move before smiling. "I think I'm talking to someone who is in desperate need of a pedicure. I'd be happy to give you a referral!"

Kali bristled at the insult.

Aiden, stood in the loft doorway behind Kali. He like her was here to avenge Ennis after Delilah's violent and deadly outburst in the abandoned mall. Regardless of his anger, he was not expecting to find Lydia, is almost girlfriend, standing in their way. He frowned and bared his teeth in warning. Aiden had told Kali that Lydia was off limits.

Lydia couldn't help but smirk as she knew Aiden's gesture wasn't aimed at her, not if he wanted to find himself with her in coaches vacant office, but the female alpha who looked ready to rip off her head.

Kali turned to look at the twin who still had a growl rumbling deep in his chest . "Oh, really?"

"Leave her alone, Kali," Ethan warned. He didn't take kindly to her gaze fixed on his brother.

"Or what?" She sneered.

The twins pulled back as her eyes flashed red.

With focus set between the alphas and their dance for dominance, Lydia subtly pulled out her phone to send her pre-written text to Delilah and Derek.


- - - - -

Upstairs, Derek was having the hardest time pulling his lips away from his wife. His wife.

He felt almost giddy using the word.

"Derek?" Delilah said as he continued to pepper her face with kisses.

"Yes?" He sighed. His hands were sliding back and forth across her waist to the open back of her dress. He loved this so much. He loved her.

"We need to go now."

"Do you think we can wait like 5 minutes? I can do it in 5?" He asked. He was gathering some of the fabric around her thighs into his hands

Delilah laughed lightly as she cupped Derek's face. "Later love. We have a job to do."

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