open your eyes.

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"I live here, Mr. Hale." Kira said quietly from the backseat of the cruiser.

Derek pulled the car to a stop in front of the house she indicated. He was tired, as was Delilah. He longed for their days spent curled up in quiet comfort while on their honeymoon. Now, it felt like they were paying some sort of price for leaving for the town. First Peter, then Stiles, the Oni and now the introduction of a baby Kitsune.

He let out a sigh as he put the cruiser into park.

Delilah was already dozing lightly next to him. He didn't blame her for being exhausted after the Oni's examination. Supernatural tests tended to be draining he has discovered.

"If she was more awake, she would tell you to have a safe rest of your night." Derek gestured to his wife and adjusted the seatbelt so it wasn't sitting uncomfortably against her neck.

"I can do that." Kira whispered with her hand on the door handle. She hadn't known what expect when she was offered a ride home while Scott and his mom said to the hospital, but she was presently surprised by how welcoming the couple actually appeared to be, even under such terrifying circumstances. Kira hesitated as she contemplated if she should ask what had been bothering her since they left Scott's house.  

"Mr. Hale?"

Derek winced at the name. "Yeah, you can just call me Derek." Mr. Hale made him feel like he was at least in 50s and should start wearing sweater vests. He really only liked being called that when Delilah was involved.

Kira nodded, "Okay, Derek. Can I ask why Delilah has a red spider lily in her purse? I didn't mean to snoop but it fell out when she emptied for bag looking for her phone..."

Derek turned to look at her from the front seat. "You know what it is?"

She nodded as his eyes burned into her, begging for a better explanation.

"Yeah?" She stuttered under his intense stare. "My mom has talked about them before, actually a lot when I really think about it. They... uhmm grow primarily in graveyards in Japan. It's not really good luck to carry one around."

She nervously pulled at the ends of her hair. Derek was making her anxious. Perhaps it was the serious expression he held, permanently burned into his face as he contemplated her words.

"I'll keep that in mind." He reached across Delilah and opened the glove compartment to pull out a scrap piece of paper and a pen. He began to write. "This is Delilah's number, do you think your mom would be willing to talk to her about it? The lily?"

Kira shrugged and accepted the folded piece of paper. "Probably. I'll give this to her when I get inside."

She put her hand on the door again. "Thanks again."

Derek gave her a subtle one handed wave and watched as she disappeared through her front door.

He let out a slow exhale once the door's lock clicked into place. "Just you and me now babe."

Delilah smiled slightly in her sleepy state. "Alone at last."

Derek snorted a short breath before pulling back out onto the road and heading home.

Delilah reached over the centre console for Derek's hand with her eyes still closed. Catching it, before she could smack the windshield whipper lever, he entwined his hand with hers and brought it close to his lips to lay a lingering kiss against the skin of her hand.

Delilah sighed, drawing Derek's attention over to her momentarily. She was watching him with curious eyes.

"So, I killed one last night? One of these Oni?"

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