I'm only a little cold.

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It was a slow start the next day as Delilah preferred the warmth of Derek and their bed to the cooler air beyond her blanket cocoon inside their bedroom.

Derek didn't mind, in fact he found the present situation to be quite pleasant, as he laid on his back with Delilah wrapped fully around his front like a koala clinging to the trunk of a tree. Her legs were tucked tightly on either side of his hips and her hands were hooked behind his shoulders in a desperate attempt to keep herself plastered against his chest. And despite his wife's close proximity, the only thing of her that he could actually see beneath the thick duvet tucked up to her ears was the mop of long hair that was threatening to tangle inside his mouth.

"Stop moving " Delilah's muffled whine carried from beneath her burrowed positioned. He could feel her huffed breaths of annoyance, fanning across his chest as she tried to find a comfortable position after his fidgeting.

"Sorry baby," Derek whispered. He loved her, he really did, but every time he took in a breath, her hair would velcro it self against his stubble. Derek finally moved the last of it from the corner of his mouth with a scrubbing of his hand. She grumbled again as he snuck his arms beneath the blanket and wrapped them around her torso before settling and closing his eyes.

It was still relatively early but as soon as their heads hit the pillows last night after the water cooled in the bath, they were completely dead to the world.

For that Derek was grateful as Delilah only seemed to fully calm when she shut her eyes and Derek curled around her. He knew something was off with her and he had no doubt it had to do with the what was said to her before he was able to pry Peter's back door open and drag himself into the veterinary clinic.

Whatever it was he hoped they would talk about it before they left to check on Issac and Erica at the hospital.

The house was quiet and Derek took in a deep breath that matched Delilah's steady puffs beneath the blanket. He could stay like this for the rest of the morning, or at least that is what he thought before his stomach let out a loud rumble that had Delilah falling into a fit of giggles.

Her head popped up from the blankets and Derek cracked an eye open to see her laughing face looking up at him.

He tried to hide his own smile but failed miserably.

"Your stomach rumbling is making my stomach rumble," she mock pouted as she rested her chin on his chest. "But I don't want to get up and go out into this."

She gestured to the world outside her secured blanket and personal space heater.

Derek raised an eyebrow before leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"How about this," he mumbled as he pulled back slightly, trying his best to ensure he didn't let any warmth escape. " I'll slip out as quickly as I can wrap you back up..." she scowled at the idea of him leaving.

"No," she said with a huff. "That is an absolutely horrible idea. Worst idea I have ever heard, in fact."

Derek rolled his eyes with absolute fondness and curled his hands across her bare back.

"...And, I put your clothes in the dryer to warm them up."

Her eyes narrowed at the corner as she considered his proposal. Toasty warm socks and sweaters did have their benefit.

"...And I bring them back with a steaming cup of coffee."

The ends of her mouth turned up and Derek went in for the kill.

"...With a scoop of creamy peanut butter mixed in... And we'll make a big breakfast together."

Delilah licked her lips at the thought. "Steak?" She asked.

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