emergency contact.

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"Did they say why?"


"Absolutely no reason?"

They walked through through the front doors of the school together. Derek looked over at Delilah with a slight nervousness as a fire appeared to be burning behind her eyes. He knew she was fiercely protective of the young werewolf, he was as well but walking into the office in her current state wouldn't help anyone. He pressed his hand lightly to the small of her back as he stopped the fuming women just short of the office door.

"Delilah, look at me."

She did with a scowl on her face and Derek could almost imagine steam shooting from her ears.

"Being angry isn't going to help with this. We don't even know what happened. And you need to remember that Issac is a good kid, generally."

Her face relaxed slightly and Derek could smell her shift in emotion.

Delilah nawed on her bottom lip.

"I'm not angry, I'm scared." She admitted quietly as she buried her head in his chest. "What if the school files a complaint against us with the state saying we are unfit to keep him with us?"

Derek pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. She was already jumping to conclusion and he couldn't have that. "Then we will take them to court, and I doubt this place can afford the circles our lawyers will run around them. And by the time they get through the legal system, Issac will be an adult and on his way off to college if he wants that."

Delilah smiled as Derek gave her a half shrug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and thought through the hypothetical plan. "You're very diabolical, Mr. Hale."

"Just enough to keep you happy." He tipped her head up to place a quick kiss on her lips before removing her hands from around his neck.

Delilah didn't want him to move away just yet and he let out a sigh when he felt her reluctance. "We just need to put on a couple of brave faces and show them we are completely functioning responsible adults. Think that's possible?"

Delilah schooled her face to the one she used when she did rounds at the hospital and had a difficult patient she was obligated to be nice too.

Derek squeezed Delilah's hand before stepping back as he opened the office door and ushered her through. Delilah tried not to react when his hand slid across her hip as she passed him. The receptionist did a double take when she came in.

"Nurse Vine!" She said with excitement. "It's wonderful to see you, does Coach know you're here?"

Delilah shook her head, "No, I'm actually here for personal business, Issac Lahey?"

"Oh yes!" She perked. "You're the guardian, I'll sort you out in a moment." Her eyes slid over to Derek for a second and widened slightly. "Sir, can I help you?"

Derek lifted their rejoined hands. "I'm with her, Issac's other guardian. I'm the one that received the call."

The receptionist blushed slightly as he spoke, much to Delilah's amusement. "Derek Hale?"

"Yes?" He looked over quickly to Delilah, unsure where this was going. 

"We went to high school together."

Derek looked slightly embarrassed as he couldn't place the woman. "I'm sorry I don't-"

She waved him off. "Oh its okay, I moved here for my senior year." The receptionist turned to Delilah, "this one was always in and out of the office when we were in school. I didn't realize you had moved back!"

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