heart stopper.

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"Everybody shut the fuck up!" Issac yelled before mumbling under his breath. "Merde!"

"Language," Delilah scowled from Derek's lap. His arms were wrapped securely around her waist and the tips of his fingers were caressing the skin just above the top of her pants.

"I'm sorry, mom, but this is a lot to process." Issac ran a hand throw his longer than normal blonde hair. The ends were curling around his ears. "You're tell me that since I've been gone, assassins have been flocking to Beacon Hills, trying to kill all of you and on top of that, dad has a cold? C'est putain de ridicule."

"Okay, when you put it like that..." Stiles shrugged out of the cameras view with his head buried in a new bowl of soup.

"A lot has happened," Delilah sighed. "Issac and I am so sorry we haven't kept you in the loop."

"I know mama," Issac lamented. "Do you have a plan? Scott is there a plan?"

"No," Derek answered faster than the teenager next to him.

"Yes," Scott followed immediately after.

Derek swivelled his head to look at the boy who sat to his right. The action jostled Delilah who quickly gripped his arm.

"You don't have a plan," Derek snapped.

"We have a plan," Stiles slurped before dipping his spoon back into the soup.

Derek rolled his eyes. "You don't know anything Stiles. You've been sleeping for the past hour."

Stiles smirked with another slurp. "I know more than you."

Derek snorted angrily moved his hand from beneath the table where it now happened to rest on Delilah's thigh. Recognizing his intent to reach across the table and smack Stiles, Delilah grabbed his hand and quickly laced her fingers with his. It was an effective cage as her husband was quickly distracted by the feeling of her thumb stroking his knuckles.

He scowled at the boy while Stiles looked back amused.

"Don't egg him on," Delilah scolded. "And please for my sanity, stop arguing. We work as a team or we don't work at all."

Stiles returned to his soup and Derek leaned back in the chair. Delilah moved with him and felt the exhale of annoyance across the back of her neck.

"Your plan?" Issac asked again to keep the conversation rolling. "And I swear if its just a bunch of absolute none sense..."

"Just so you know what we have is incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic," Stiles slurped before using his spoon to scrap the rest of his now empty bowl clean. "You would have been in on it in a heart beat if you were here, but now we got Liam to do all the dangerous stuff..."

Liam who sat across from them didn't seem to like the sound of that and instead focused on tapping his extended claws against the kitchen table. They were leaving little divots in the wood but Delilah made no move to stop him. It was better than him piercing his palms.

"Stiles," Delilah warned with a hiss. That seemed to do the trick as Stiles raised his hands in an official surrender.

"Okay," Scott interrupted to draw Issac's attention to him. "I need you to hear me out before you interrupt."

"Agreed," Delilah nodded with a pleased smile as the alpha started to take charge.

Scott looked to Liam who shared a look with Stiles. Malia looked like she could care less while Lydia rested her head on Erica's shoulder. The only kids missing from the table were the twins who opted to do patrol around the property.

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