repeat performance.

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"Where did Deaton go?" Melissa whispered to Scott.

The house had gone eerily silent and it was putting her on edge.

"Issac and the twins are at the school. He was a better option to send and get them, then well you know..."

Scott pointed to the front door that despite the slight chill outside remained open. Derek sat on the front step aggressively bouncing his left leg as he ran his hands through his hair in an effort to stop it from sticking up in different directions. In reality he was only making it worse.

His phone sat beside him with the screen face up. He was waiting for any notification, any update he could latch onto. He needed something, anything.

And it didn't help that Melissa had threatened to sedate him if he tried to leave the McCall property or if he tried to kill Stiles again. They needed a plan before they started the search because flying in blind against a loose Nogistune would end bad, there was no doubt about that.

Melissa sighed and Scott tried not to comment on her slight shift in personality as she slipped into her nursing role.

Peter needed his wrist set and wrapped and Stiles needed his vitals checked again.

She headed to the kitchen where she had told Peter to take a seat and wait for her. And no funny business or she would punch him in the nose and set it crooked.

The man in question sat at the modest kitchen table with one hand in his hair and the other resting on the table top. He grit his teeth as he adjusted the bag of frozen peas she had collected for him once she had ensured Derek wasn't about to run off.

"Let me see," Melissa ordered.

Peter huffed while she flipped on another light above the kitchen table. It wasn't overly bright but it did bath the room in a soft and warm glow.

"How is he?" Peter asked mournfully while also trying to stamp down his own anxiety.

"Worried," she answered even though she knew that was technically an understatement. Derek was frantic, agitated and desperate. She didn't need to be a werewolf to know that.

"Still here, right?"


Peter clicked his tongue and let Melissa look at the damage. It wasn't as bad as she originally thought as she determined it was a clean break and wouldn't need much in the way of a realignment. The swelling had gone down significantly with the peas and she assumed there wasn't much more she could do except wrapping it.

If Delilah were here she would know how to better handle a werewolf injury. She just understood healing factors and pain tolerance better when it came to these things.

At that thought, Melissa felt like she was going to be sick. She didn't understand how Delilah could have disappeared with all of them in the room.

"It's not fair..." Peter sighed.

"I know, " Melissa agreed.

She pulled out a wrist brace from a kit she kept in the house for Scott's sports injuries before he was bitten. It might be a bit snug but it should fit Peter's hand while the bone healed. If it wasn't correct, she'd break it again with Delilah's help.

Peter feel quiet as she continued to fiddle with her kit.

"Who's Malia?" She whispered,hoping to break some of the tension in the room. As close as both of them were to Derek and Delilah, Peter and Melissa rarely spoke to each other. At least not after the pretend date Peter tried to take her on to get to Scott. Melissa's feelings were still hurt by that.

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