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After I finished a session at the gym. I went back to my penthouse and started to get ready.

I don't know what will happen this afternoon. But I want things to be in order. I want us to part ways as soon as possible. The more I prolong this, the more I will be hurt.

It's better to end it so I can move on to my life and start again. I know it will be hurtful at first but gradually I will be fine and maybe I can find someone to love again. Not now but maybe sooner.

I grabbed my car keys and went out. I drove towards the place where we agreed to meet. I arrived earlier than her but minutes later she arrived too.

When I glanced at her, there's something in her that feels different. She didn't bother to throw a glance at me. Instead she walked straight and took a seat.

When she finally settled down. My lawyer greeted her. Her response made my blood pressure boil as she said.

"Can we begin now?" She said,

I can't hold the AMUSEMENT I felt as I threw a dirty look at her. I know she can see me in the corner of her eyes but she chooses to ignore me. The nerve of this girl.

"Eager much are we?" I snarled at her.

She didn't bother to respond to me. She really knows how to tickle my patience. For the years we've been together, I never saw her acting indifferently at meike this.

"So my client here wants to settle things with you, Miss Lila. As you know he filed a divorce for your marriage. And per check, you did not sign any prenuptial agreement to him!" My lawyer talked about my money and bluh bluh bluh.

All I did was stare at her. After my attorney spoke, she answered her.

"Attorney, just tell your client that I will not need any alimony from him. To be precise, I won't ask anything from him, meaning I don't want his money, or any of his wealth. He can have it all because I came here to talk about it! Instead I want him to sign this!" She said. I blinked a few times to recover myself from her outburst. I didn't expect a reaction like that from her.

She passed the paper that she had been holding since she came. My lawyer took it and read it first for me. He gave it to me then. As I come to read the document it's stated that I will wave my right to the baby that is inside of her.

What kind of madness is she thinking? Does she think I will acknowledge it? It's obvious she's cheating on me? Is that child really mine?

"I don't need to sign this! It's pretty obvious that the child is not mine!" I said to her. This time she looked straight into my eyes.

"I just want to make sure Blake!" She said to me, She never ever called me my name ever since we were together. She always called me sweetheart. That's what we called each other.

I grabbed the pen and signed it.

"Are you sure Sir?" My lawyer stopped me but I didn't listen.

"If she thinks that I will go after her because of the child. Then she's mistaken. For all I know this is her new scheme to make me feel pity for her. But sorry to inform you my dear soon to be ex wife I won't fall for it anymore! I had enough of your drama!" I said to her. I saw pain in her eyes then she quickly hid it from giving me a neutral look.

She then grabbed the divorce paper and signed it. When she's done, she passed it to my lawyer and the latter looked at me nodded.

"Is that all Sir?" She asked my lawyer not to refer to me.


"Then I will be going!" She said then stood from her seat and walked away, leaving me and my lawyer in the room speechless.

"Are you really sure about this sir?" My lawyer asked me about the divorce and all.


"But, you agreed to waive your right to the child. What if that child is yours? You will have problems dealing with it someday!" He said to me, making me rethink what I had done. But I can't undo it anymore but for sure anyway it's not my child. She's been with another guy.

"It's ok I will deal with it! But I don't think I will have a problem with it. Since she will be out of my life after this! Can you make the process quick?" I told him.

"I will try my best Sir to make this really quick!"

"Ok thank you! I will be going now! Just ring me when you have an update for this!" I said to him,

"Sure Mr Frost! Good bye and drive safely!" He said to me then I left the room.

I walked through the parking area and I saw Lila getting inside her car. Compared to how she looks inside talking to me and my lawyer, she seems to be very down and her face mirrored something I can't describe.

I observed her from where I stood then she started her car. I caught tears from her eyes when the lights from the sun illuminated her face.

I sighed as I stopped myself from feeling pity for her. I should teach myself that she will no longer be related to me from now on. I need to stop thinking about her and stop my feelings for her. It's hard but I will try. I know I can never love someone as much as I love her.

I looked at the direction where she was heading one more time then I went to my car and drove back to my penthouse.

I held the card that the girl gave me a while ago. I guess I will be needing this tonight. So I can escape from reality for a moment.

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