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Lila POV

"Sorry but my daughter doesn't want to marry your son Rafael. I am afraid that I need to decline what your family offered, Mr Fronton. My daughter likes to have a plentiful time with her daughter for now. Hope you will understand!" I can hear what my mother said over the phone.

I guess I don't have to guess who the caller is because it's obvious I can hear their conversation.

"Yes, thank you! Kindly send the message to your son. I know he has good intentions but I don't think it's the right time for his offer….. Yes! Yeah, I do hear from my daughters how loving your son is to my daughter Liliana….. Oh no! She doesn't have anyone for a moment. As I said she likes to have time for her daughter only….. !" My mom answered again and I think she purposely delayed the last word.

"Hmmm… yeah! Of course! You are welcome!" My mom once again spoke and after she hung up the phone I saw my mom let out a deep sigh.

She didn't see me yet so I appeared in front of her. She looked at me wearily and gestured to me to sit down.

"Good morning sweetheart? What are you doing here?" She asked me.

Of course she asked me. I rarely visit her in her office. I always talk to my mom in her bedroom because I feel like when I am talking to her in her office she's not mom but the queen of the country, that's why I prefer to talk to her in her bedroom. It's like it's really her.

"Can I know what's in the call mom?" I asked once I settled down in my chair. 

I know I already know what's with the call but still I want to ask my mom properly.

I really don't know why that Fronton guy is still hanging on me. Even though I clearly dismissed him in the past. If I didn't accept his proposal a long time ago, much more now.

Even though I am divorce and a single mom. But I don't think I want to settle down with another guy who's not my child's father. Maybe in the future but for now I want to be focused on growing and taking care of  Amari.

After the little talk with my mom, I went to my room and decided to change. Luna texted me that she went to the park with my daughter. As always she always says yes to my daughter.

One thing I like about my daughter being with her is that. Luna doesn't like to grab attention. She always prefers to go alone and merge with normal people. Which I always prefer for my daughter. I want her to live normally. As much as possible I am going to let her live freely.

I know it's normal for a royalty to have a bodyguard 24/7 on the side. But I had my experience with it and I don't like it. I always wanted to be alone and having a bodyguard with me won't make me act like normal.

Just as I finished changing and made myself look presentable enough. My phone rings and I walk through the vanity to pick up. I saw my sister Luna's name on it and I hit the green button.


"Sis…. Amari, I can't find her!" She said and my heart dropped out from my chest.

"A what? Don't you dare joke something like that Luna!"

"No, god knows I am joking! She was running in the park, laughing and giggling. And then out of the blue someone bumps into me. When I looked up again to look for her she's gone! I swear!"

"Shit! No one recognizes you right?"

"No! Some people just minding their business. But at this hour the park is mostly not crowded!" She said and I can hear her voice shaking.

"I am coming!" I said as I went out immediately.

I don't know how I will get there. I swear that's the fastest record I have ever driven. I spotted my sister looking lost and confused. I have never seen her acting like this ever before. When she saw me her eyes grew wide and she ran to me.

"I am so sorry! I shouldn't have taken her here. I am sorry sis. It's all my fault!" She said while I could feel her body shaking as she sobbed.

My mother and sister Laura came as well. They called the police head to investigate the abduction of my daughter.

I also called Blake and he looked at me with an unreadable expression. I don't know if he is disappointed or not but for now my intention is to find my daughter.

Once everything settled. We went to the palace and the police head explained to us what would be the possible scenario.

"Did you find the CCTV footage of the park?" For the first time Blake spoke.

"Yes sir, but it only captures a man wearing a black mask. But don't worry, we saw in the footage that there's a man standing nearby. Looks like they are linked to each other. My team is now collecting CCTV videos everywhere!" The police head said.

I know I look like a mess right now. But I don't care. I just want to find my daughter. My thoughts ran back and I didn't notice Blake went to my side and grabbed me.

"What the?" I said as he stopped dragging me.

Before I could finish my sentence. A warm sensation engulfed me and I automatically melted. I felt a hand stroking into my back softly. Making me let go of my tears that I've been holding for a long time.

"It's ok, everything will be ok!" He said he was trying to assure me.

"Don't worry, I have some men doing their investigation. I will do anything to find our daughter as soon as possible. Whoever bastard kidnapped her, he will pay for it!" He said and I kept his muscles tense.

"What if they hurt her?"

"Shhhh, don't think something like that is ok?"

"Once I have a hold of that fucker! Don't worry! I won't let them see the daylight again. No one hurts my family!" He said and I closed my eyes returning his hug.

His warm breath fanned over the back of my shoulder. I felt relaxed and moments later I didn't notice that my vision went blurry. I can feel my body being lifted up and I snuggle deep into the familiar scents that I've been missing for a long time.

Before I can finally drift into a deep slumber. I can hear a deep voice whispering into my ear.

"Sleep well sweetheart, don't worry everything will be ok!" He said.

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