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Lila POV

"For the nth time Blake I can't. We need to go home!" I said as I tried to dismiss his idea of me and my daughter spending a night in his penthouse.

"But sweetheart it's still raining outside! It's not safe!" He said as he once convinced me again. But my decision is final.

It's even hard for me to stay a day with him, how much more spending a night on his place. I can't let myself be placed in this kind of situation. It's not good for my entire being.

"It's ok Blake, my driver can drive us back to the palace!"

"Sweetheart, it's not safe! The rain is pouring strong. I can't risk the two of you, crossing this rain. Anyway, as we speak our daughter is currently sleeping peacefully in my bed. So I suggest you need to take your rest too!" He said, looking at me.

Goodness, why does the rain choose to pour strong at this time? How will I get out of this dilemma now?

"I have two vacant rooms anyway. If I have a say about this, I prefer to have one room with the three of us. I miss you sweetheart!" That's what I am avoiding. Him being this clingy on me.

"Blake, stop please I am going to call my driver….!" I didn't get to say what I needed to say as strong lighting with a combination of loud thunder made me squeal and jump out of the sudden.

All lights went off and I know I am in a deep dilemma. Good thing , the generator went on immediately.

"How am I supposed to go home now?" I mumble. It was intended to myself only but Blake heard it.

"There's no way I will let you get out in this situation! No way! It's not safe!" He said.

I wanted to tell him that I am more in danger being here than outside. Spending the night at his house makes me feel nervous.

"Fine!" I finally said..

"Yes!" He said, lifting his fist to the air.

"Where do I sleep? And where's our daughter?" I asked him.

He guided me to where the room was located while he carried our daughter in his arms. I looked around the room and I saw a few of his things in here.

"Why am I seeing your things here? I thought this was a guest room?" I asked him.

He scratched his head looking at me with those eyes.

"Hmmmm… actually this is my room! It would be better if the two of you stay here so I can watch you carefully!"

"No!" I immediately answered him.

"But I am still going to sneak in when you sleep. Sweetheart please? I really miss you!" He said and I sighed.

"Fine, can I borrow one of your shirts and boxers? I can't sleep with these jeans on!" I asked him.

He smiled at me, a kind of smile that would melt every woman's heart. But I choose to fight my feelings and stare at him like I don't get affected. Two can play this game, huh?

He then went to his closet and grabbed a pair of shirts and boxers. He gave it to me but not before I noticed the faint blushes on his cheeks. Who would ever think I can blushed? I shake my head as I mumble thank you to him and go to the bathroom to clean and change.

I stared at the rack where all of his belongings were displayed. He still uses the same products that I have recommended to him in the past. I smiled as I opened the liquid soap and smelled it.

I don't know how long he will stay here in my homeland since I know his home will always be in New York. 

After I finished bathing, I changed into his shirt and boxer. Goodness, he still smells the same. I don't think I need the boxer since the shirt stops at the middle of my thigh. But for security purposes I think I need to put a boxer who knows. I can be very flexible while sleeping.

You know what I mean!! 🤭🤭

I left the bathroom after I finished changing my clothes. My eyes caught a sight of Blake who obviously came from a bath. His hair is still dripping with water and he has a towel that is securely attached on his lower part.

"Sweetheart, do you want some tea? You always have your tea after your bath and before going to bed" He said looking at me.

"It's ok,I think I will skip it for now. I want to take a rest!" I said as I floop myself on the bed and sat beside my daughter who's now sleeping peacefully.

"She is so pretty!" He said I looked up and I didn't notice that he was standing so close for my liking.

"Why are you standing there? Go to the other side. Amari will stay in the middle of us!" I said to him,

"No! You will be in the middle!"

"Blake, you know I move too much while I sleep! So I don't want to disturb you!" I said to him,

"I don't mind! I just lock you in my arms so you won't be just like I was before!" He said taking a seat beside me.

"Urg! Why can't you just stay over there?" I helplessly whined while pointing to the supposed part of the bed.

"Sweetheart, please?"

"And can you please stop calling me sweetheart? I am not your wife anymore!"

"You are to me!"

"Have you forgotten that girlfriend of yours? I thought you would be married soon after our divorce!" I asked him.

"That was one of the idiotic things I did on you. I should have not gotten myself entangled with those girls. I am sorry for hurting you at that time. I am so foolish and an idiot. I know I don't deserve someone like you. But sweetheart, I am willing to do whatever you want. If you want, I can be your slave, hurt me whatever ways you want. Just don't ever think of loving another guy. I will kill anyone who will steal you from me!" He said and I don't know what to feel. Whether I am going angry or mad at him but for now I don't think I am willing to be with him.

"I am sorry Blake but I can't be with you. I can't trust you anymore. I already gave you my heart but you broke it so it's not easy to mend it back. For now let's just be a good parent to our daughter!" I said as I turned my back on him and decided to lay down not waiting for his reply.

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