Part 14

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[Without listening further, Jin run towards JK's room where Coffin put it down. Jin opened the coffin but within a second Tae jumped on Jin and started choking his neck violently]

Jin: *laugh* Don't waste your energy because I can't be choked. I'm not a human.

Tae: *aggressive* Then who the hell are you? Why you locked me inside the dark coffin? Are you trying to kill me?

[JK and J-Hope entered the room and dazed with the view. JK immediately separated the two and hugged Tae tightly but Tae pushed him away]

Tae: Now who the Fuck you two? *sigh* you know what, I really don't care... I'm hungry so back off and let me find my prey!

JK: *hold Tae's hands* NO! you can't drink anyone else's blood.

Tae: *raise eyebrow* why so?

JK: because we are bonded with a special contract in which you can drink only my blood. Look at your Mark on your—

[JK was about to complete his sentence but stopped when he saw the mark on Tae's neck is disappeared. There is no mark on Tae's neck]

JK: *stunned* How is this possible...

Tae: *step back* Now I got you... you 3 are kidnappers who try to fool me and wanted to kill me, just because I'm a Vampire?

J-Hope: *Angry* Wait! Cut this crap... no more drama please. Allow me to explain you who are we and what are we trying to do with you because I have to solve my pending cases and if I don't interrupt this, it will be continue for long...

[Tae is confused but he doesn't wanna say anything because J-Hope's anger looks pretty dangerous. J-Hope instruct JK and Tae to stands on his front and told them to hold their hands. J-Hope indicate Jin to put his left hand on JK's head and J-Hope put his right hand on Tae's head & at last J-hope and Jin hold their free hands to transfer the power.]

[In simple words, Jin has Tae's memory and J-Hope have a power to transfer or erase human memory so with the help of Jin, J-hope is trying to transfer Tae's memory back. 4 of them standing in a square position where J-Hope started the procedure while asking all of them to close their eyes. Slowly-Slowly, every single memory of Tae from childhood to till now, is returning back to his mind which is quiet lengthy process. After 1 hour, everyone opened their eyes but Tae falls down and became unconscious]

J-Hope: It's okay, let him rest because this is a bunch of 1500 years' memory which is quite heavy for his brain

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J-Hope: It's okay, let him rest because this is a bunch of 1500 years' memory which is quite heavy for his brain.

[After 30 min, Tae blink his eyes where he found his hands intertwined with JK]

JK: You're awake.

Tae: Jungkook? Where am...?

JK: Lie back down and don't move.

Tae: Jungkook... I... I remember. I've already died numerous times. My family too... me, even my friends... I really, really wanted to live. The humans killed me with such cruelty.

JK: Shh... Don't think about that anymore. *peck Tae's cheeks* You're alive with me now and that's what matters.

[While they have lovey-dovey conversation, Jin and J-Hope enters the room]

Jin: Yea-Yea... *taunting* Now nothings matters since he got his consciousness back with his old memories.

[Tae gets up and Bow to Jin and J-Hope]

Tae: *teary eyes* Thank You Jin hyung and J-Hope hyung. Without you... maybe... I forget everything. My all precious memories which I spend with Jungkook. I really don't care about my dark past but now... I can't live without Jungkook.

Jin: *wipe Tae's tears* stop crying otherwise we all starts crying and being a Demon, it will create a huge mess. No need to be formal in front of us because we are family now.

J-Hope: True! *laugh* To be honest, your behavior without past memory is totally different. It felts like we are talking with another person who don't have any manners.

Tae: *sad* really?

Jin: *pinch Hobi* No not at all... He is joking with you. I guess we have to go now.

J-Hope: Ouch! *awkward* Yea...

Tae: but today is Sunday, you can have dinner with us.

J-Hope: No Sundays for a Detective...

Jin: I've to visit Jail!

JK: Why don't you take him (RM) out of the prison permanently?

Jin: because I wanted to spend some alone time with him and I guess prison is the best place. Maybe... when he gets out of the prison... he doesn't like to talk with me anymore.

Tae: but hyung... forcing someone to love, might be wrong.

Jin: I know I'm sound little selfish here but whenever I got the courage, I'll surely takes him out of the prison. Right now his punishment announced as life-time prison so it will take some time to complete all legal formalities.

Tae: *smile* don't worry! We are always with you.

[J-Hope and Jin disappeared after bidding their bye]

JK: *sigh* Finally... we have some personal time to spend together.

Tae: *blush* Yea~ you have to focus on your work! You didn't go back into work for a week.

JK: *hug Tae tightly* That isn't the issue. I just... I didn't care about any of that. You know I was too worried about you. When Jackson summoned me by my real name... and I saw you on the ground covered in blood. I just couldn't control my anger. Watching you lying unconscious for a whole week in this coffin. I hated myself for not showing up sooner. So...

Tae: *attach forehead* you really need to get over yourself... besides like you said... I'm here now, alive. Right in front of you! stop worrying so much.

[JK started giving small kisses on Tae's eyes, cheeks, nose and finally captured his lips. In the beginning, the kiss is little sluggish and gentle but slowly-slowly it is become hot and sizzling. JK stops Tae to do anything further because he feels Tae stills need time to recover but Tae didn't listen him further. Tae slides off JK's shirt from his shoulder and starts giving wet kisses on his neck and shoulder]

JK: mghh... Tae... Don't...

Tae: *put fingers on JK's lips* I need you... very badly...

JK: *smirk* hope you don't regret later...

[JK slides Tae's clothes and pushed him on the bed and hovered over him. JK kissed Tae's lips while sucking hard, then he bites Tae's lips to entered his tongue to explore his mouth which taste like strawberries]

JK: *panting* Every single thing of yours, attracts me the most. Your eyes *caressed his eyes* your nipples *sucked them where Tae moaned loud* your chubby stomach *wiggle his nose on stomach* your thighs *suck and leave dark hickey* your foot *small kisses on foot where Tae giggled*

Tae: Wait... I also wanna show my love...

[Tae completely undress himself as well as JK but now he is staring JK's well build body and *ahem* his length]

JK: *smirk* Do some actions rather than staring...

[Tae pulled JK closer by waist and started giving wet kisses leaving dark purple marks behind. Tae went on top and started nibbling JK's nipples where JK moaned. This is the first time Tae heard JK's moaned which sounds addictive]

JK: You are so good at this...

Tae: *adore the view* Only mine...

JK: Only yours... Now ready to scream...??

A/N: Don't forget to give your valuable vote and share your feedback ;]

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