Bonus Part [1/2]

3.1K 101 16

||After Few Weeks||

[In these weeks, nothing is much changed. Tae usually goes to his clinic as well as JK attain his Demon duties and office work. However, JK convince J-Hope to shift his duties from Hell to normal earth cases. "Earth Cases" means those cases related to Human sins dissolves and demolished on Earth only. For example, just eat their crystals and give them one more chance of living or bargain with humans to give them something in return. JK is frustrated for going Hell for weeks because he can't see Tae in between and after returning from Hell Tae always sounds cranky and upset. So finally J-Hope as Demon Boss shifted JK's duties from Hell. Now JK have to solve cases on Earth with Jin and Bam and return back at night so he can spend quality time with Tae]

JK: *return back from office* Tae... Baby where are you?

[Tae entered the living room where he saw JK resting his body on the sofa and sounds tired. Tae sit near him, take JK's head on his lap and start giving a firm head massage where JK squeak in little relaxation.]

JK: mmm... Too tired...

Tae: *smile* I can see that...

JK: but there is one good news... Hobi hyung finally shifted my duty from hell to earth. Now I just have to attain cases once in a week but...

Tae: but...??

JK: We can't skip or leave the task in any condition. Because that particular cases assigned on Human Karma. *sit straight* That particular Time and Date assigned by god so I have to present there at announce time.

Tae: *cupped JK's face* It is way better than going to Hell for weeks. If I'm not wrong, this cases are usually solved within 5 to 6 hours right?

JK: *smile* Yup... I'll solve this cases and swoosh return to you...

[Tae just staring JK because he is looking so happy but slowly-slowly leaned to captured the lips and both are sharing deep yet passionate kiss. After few minutes, they both detach the lips where JK kissed on Tae's bread cheeks and whispered "I love you" where Tae immediately responded "I love you too"]

Tae: Kook... go and rest. I've some thesis left to complete. I'll join you after an hour.

JK: Hmm... okay... by-the-way there is a box in my office bag. It has some cookies and biscuits, will you feed to BAM?

Tae: okay... *pout* you always bring cookies for BAM, what about me?

JK: *chuckle* You have this kookie... munch me as much as you want. *no response* Don't be sad... these cookies are gifted by one of the staff and only BAM is the one who can eat human food as well as crystals soo...

Tae: Yea... no need to explain this much. I'll feed him...

[JK left and Tae went to the study room where JK usually placed his office bag whenever he returns from office. He opened the bag where he found cookies box beautifully decorated with heart prints on it. Tae opened the box where saw some cookies looks delicious but as usual he can't taste. When he picked one cookie, he saw there is one letter underneath. He takes out the letter and started to read...]

Dear Mr. Jeon
Here I go, telling that I desire you and need to be closer to you. You are a wonderful person who has allowed me to realize the important things in life. I appreciate and thank you dearly. I am here and always will be. All you have to do is e-mail me, and you know I'll answer you. This is your invitation, and it'll be open whenever you're ready to do the rest. You've showed me true love, something no one has ever done before.
Your Lovingly,

Tae: *laugh* is this a confess letter? Hmm... LUNA... I can't ask JK about this but... I wanted to know who is this bitch...

[Without thinking twice Tae called Jin where Jin is sleeping soundly while cuddling with RM]

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