(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧) on our own

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EDWARD HAD GONE TO PORT ANGELES just as he'd said he would. Este wasn't annoyed about it, she'd told him to go. Edward would've gone against all odds. He had this determination within him, this fire to protect Bella. Este recognised it from her own eyes. All those times she'd been so desperate to save the Cullens.

Este could do nothing about any of this no matter how much Rosalie believed she could. For some reason the Cullens looked at Carlisle and Este as though they had some kind of higher power, a way to deal with the most troubling situations.

She understood why they thought this of Carlisle. There'd never been a problem he hadn't been able to fix even in the most difficult circumstances. Este however didn't think she should be seen as someone who had an ability of making things go right. Especially not with the written past she had dragged behind her.

Despite what they all seemed to think, there was no stopping this. Danger was in front of them, every path, every turn. This wasn't exactly a change. The Cullens were more than used to running from things that hurt them. More than used to the scared expression in Alice's eyes every time she saw something coming. They were used to the sit down family conversations which always ended in arguments of whether to leave or not.

For the most part they knew it all. Vampires crossing through territory, dwindling prey, the temptation of blood, the slipping of secrets. In fact, Edward falling for a human wasn't even the most insane thing that had happened to them but for some reason it was taking top place for the commotion it had caused.

As soon as Edward had left, the silver Volvo tyres skidding out into the woods, the family had basically disbanded. Alice had dragged Jasper to go shopping with her in the small selection of stores that the towns outside Forks had. Rosalie and Emmett had gone further into the heart of Washington, to a property Carlisle had bought them for one of their many wedding presents (Rosalie and Emmett got married a lot).

This left Este and Carlisle. She'd thought about going somewhere herself. The whole world was stretching out beneath them yet Este remained anchored to her comfortable life. There was good reason for that although sometimes she did think about the things she hadn't seen. Este supposed there was a lot of time for that.

For now she remained reclined in her own bed, a book propped on her chest as her eyes skated over the words. The rain was like background noise, the gentle patters on the window altered her to the other world spinning in blue, grey and green right before her eyes. Este felt relaxed whenever she disappeared behind a book.

She could hear Carlisle in the study opposite. Her door was open but his was shut. Este gathered he was probably doing something important. He was always doing something important these days. Whether it was trying to find cures for various diseases or completing more medical training online (if this was even possible). Over the sound of the rain, she could hear the typing of computer keys and the occasional pause for thought.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 | carlisle cullen (2) Where stories live. Discover now