(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨) stubborn

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ALICE WAS SITTING IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE when Este pulled into the driveway. As soon as Este had stepped out of the car, she flung her arms around her with a gleeful smile, dropping her crochet project on the floor.

"I saw you were coming home" she grinned, "we've missed you"

"I've seen you everyday Alice" Este reminded her as she gave her a light hug in response, "you've been coming to see me all week at school"

"Yeah I know" Alice rolled her eyes, "but I've missed having you at home... Carlisle isn't back yet" she added the last part in an anxious mutter as though she didn't want to address the argument that had happened at all. "He'll be back in an hour"

"Thanks Alice" she kissed her daughters forehead gently, taking her bag out of the car and walking towards the house. Emmett and Rosalie were playing chess in the living room while Jasper sat judging them over the top of his book.

"Este!" Emmett beamed, "good to have you back"

"It's been a week" Este rolled her eyes, still smiling. "Can you all stop being so dramatic?"

"Us dramatic?" Rosalie scoffed, "you're the one who walked out after an argument... sorry" Rosalie added on second thought, looking to Este as she froze still in the doorway.

"It's alright Rose, you're right" Este shrugged, "I shouldn't have done that, only making things worse. Anyway... I accept that Bella is going to be a vampire and I probably shouldn't have yelled about it"

"Glad you've come to terms with it" Jasper turned a page in his book, "Rose still hasn't"

"I'm not denying it's going to happen" Rosalie pointed out bitterly, "I'm just saying that I'm not happy about it. I don't think Bella realises what this life actually means for her. She'll have to give up everything and I don't think she's thought it through"

"No she hasn't" Este agreed, "but love makes people crazy, and I suppose none of us can judge her for that"

Rose merely shrugged, taking another move in her chess game as Este turned and paced up the final flight of stairs to her room. Often Carlisle and Este would make use of their bedroom even if they didn't sleep. Este liked to lie in the bed and talk to Carlisle for hours. She could tell immediately that he'd barely stepped foot in the door since Este had left. Probably only entering to shower and change clothes. The bed lay pristine, the curtains open exactly as Este had left them.

She turned to his study, the door open merely a crack. Este knew he wasn't in there yet she still felt there was some negative energy harbouring inside the room as though Carlisle had left his anger lingering in the pages of his books.

Este unpacked in a short amount of time, finding a book and finally creasing the perfect covers of her bedsheets. She tried to relax, listening to the competitive arguments of Rosalie and Emmett downstairs as her eyes trailed over the printed words of her romance novel. But she wasn't taking in the contents of the story and the swirling bitter words from downstairs only made her feel unwell.

Edward wasn't in his attic bedroom. Este was already aware he was spending all the possible time in the world with Bella. She was starting to think he agreeing with the others. After all, the way he'd talked to Este before didn't retain any of the fury she'd seen during the vote. He'd smashed one of her favourite vases in the process of his rage. Este had noticed that the blue glass structure had been replaced when she returned.

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