(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫) jacob black

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ESTE HAD BEEN IN HER CLASSROOM MARKING WORK when she heard the roar of a motorcycle engine. It was a strange and foreign sound to be heard within the walls of Forks high school.

Her first thought has been Jasper. Her son had his own Harley Davidson which he sometimes drove in rapid fire around Forks as an opportunity to show off. Yet his engine was more subtle, it certainly wouldn't have created such a racket or caused the murmuring of many voices outside. Anyway, Jasper never brought the bike to school.

Este stood up, abandoning her marking as she walked the halls of the school. Her black leather boots made barely a sound along the corridors, students were looking out the doors in curiosity but it was evidently nothing exciting enough to get them to stop. Students pushed past shoulders with books in hand as Este made her way through the crowds.

Usually at the beginning of the day she'd be confined to her classroom, avoiding the noise and ruckus that only a sea of teenagers could cause. Yet Este could hear whispers as though they were directly in her ears.

Pushing open the front doors, she took the stone steps two at a time as her eyes collided with the figure now stood casually leant against his motorbike. He was tall, very tall. The students who walked past him seemed belittled in comparison. He had short black hair and mean eyes. His stare was hardened in anger as he folded his arms.

His age was a mystery to Este. In his face she could see youth, if his gaze hadn't been so stern he would've looked almost juvenile. Yet the muscles that spread over his arms, the prominent black ink that laced his bicep and not to mention the way he towered off the ground. It gave the impression of age, not the opposite.

Este had known he was a wolf from the moment she'd seen him. The boy didn't need the prints of his tribe to give him away. She'd never met one before yet she understood now why they were so distinctive. The smell wasn't human nor was it appealing in any sense. Este caught the urge to hold her breath as she watched him. He was also dressed in a simple tank top despite the students running past him wrapped in thick coats.

Jacob Black. Este had heard his name a few times in passing. She'd understood his identity as soon as she'd seen the two figures walking towards him. Bella and Edward. The vampire was a few steps in front, anger in his vision. Of course the rivalry lay deeper than who they were by blood (or lack there of) it was clear even from a strangers eyes that Jacob was deeply entranced by Bella.

The girl walked quickly behind, reaching out a pitiful hand as she tried to pull Edward back. Este stood at the bottom of the stairs in patient curiosity. Edward was the only one aware of her presence, thoughts swirling in his mind like wild fire.

"What are you doing here?" Edward snapped.

"Hey" Bella talked over Edward simply, pushing in front of him as light scattering rain encroached on their vision.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 | carlisle cullen (2) Where stories live. Discover now