(𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧) back home again

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imagine a gif of a car


"FOLLOW THE RIGHT HALLWAY around the corner to the first set of elevators," Gianna told us as Edward helped Bella to her feet. "The lobby is two floors down, and exits to the street. Goodbye, now," she added pleasantly. Este wondered if
her competence would be enough to save her.

Este led the way out of the Volturi's castle-like building. She walked too fast, heels hitting off the stone floors below her feet. She'd never been so desperate to leave somewhere. Volterra was surrounding her like a disease. She couldn't wait to be free of it.

Este pushed open the doors into the cold air, Alice quickly taking a new route to get Bella's things and sort them a ride out of this city. The party was still in full swing in the streets. The street lamps were just coming on as they walked swiftly through the narrow, cobbled lanes. The sky was a dull, fading grey overhead, but the buildings crowded the streets so closely that it felt darker.

The party was darker, too. Edward's long, trailing cloak did not stand out in the way it might have on a normal evening in Volterra. There were others in black satin cloaks now and an abundance of white plastic fangs. Este scoffed quietly to herself as they passed.

"Ridiculous," Edward muttered once.

As they rounded another corner away from the throng of the celebration and the incessant music they insisted on playing, Bella stopped dead.

"Where's Alice?" She whispered in a panic.

"She went to retrieve your bags from where she stashed them this morning." Edward smiled comfortingly, taking her hand and dragging her along again. Bella struggled to keep up in her tired state but it would all be over soon. Then they could go home. An actual home, not Ithaca.

"She's stealing a car, too, isn't she?" Bella guessed.

"I taught her well" Este muttered as they hurried down a flight of stone steps.

"You taught her how to do that?" Edward asked. Este simply ignored him as the group of three flitted under an army of street lights towards a more quiet corner. They were away from the celebration now, on a clear road which had previously been filled with guards. Este wondered what had happened to the car she's stolen. She hoped it would get returned.

"Este, can we talk?" Edward asked hopefully as Bella shrank into his side.

"Later" Este replied simply, not meeting his eye.

"I'm sorry—"

"Later" she added again with a harsher tone. Edward fell quiet after that. After a few moments, Alice came speeding around the corner. The car was nothing special, light grey and rather sleek. However it was no sports car. Edward climbed into the back with Bella, no arguments needed. Este decided she'd let Alice drive as she moved into the passenger seat. She couldn't be bothered to deal with everything that night.

Alice was apologetic. "I'm sorry. She gestured vaguely toward the dashboard. "There wasn't much to choose from"

"It's fine, Alice." He grinned. "They can't all be 911 Turbos"

She sighed. "I may have to acquire one of those legally. It was fabulous"

"Ill get you one for Christmas," Edward promised.

Alice turned to beam at him as she pressed the car into life and went speeding down the road. Bella jerked forwards slightly, comforted by Edward. It seemed she was still not accustomed to the fast driving of the Cullens.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 | carlisle cullen (2) Where stories live. Discover now