epilogue: danny

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"I'm sorry, but we've tried too many things to get you back on track. I can't have you back next season."

"Coach, I will do anything to make this right. I can't lose this scholarship."

Daniel Schwinn was sat in the athletic director's office of USC, a sheen of nervous sweat visible on his face. The sophomore was exhausted, and to put it bluntly, still reeling from his weekend bender.

"Daniel, your scholarship isn't even up for retention anymore." The dean sat beside him, his hands folded in his lap. His knuckles were white from the tension of his grip. "You've not kept up a single one of your grades like I've asked, you've skipped almost every class you've been placed in, and you're now in a full-blown investigation for two fatal accidents related to on-campus hazing."

"What happened to those freshman was an accident, and I didn't do anything to them. I've had a lot on my plate this semester, Arnold." Danny chuckled uncomfortably.

"That's Dean Arnold." The man with salt and pepper hair expressed. "Daniel, every student at USC has had a lot on their plate. Everyone in their undergrad program is going through the same gen-ed classes you are, unless they're in the advance courses, which you are not. Your mother begged us mid-semester to put you in courses with a lighter work load - which I reluctantly did. I knew this decision would come back to bite me in the ass, and you've proven me right." He unclasped his hands, and resituated himself in the chair. "It's the only thing you've done right this entire time you've been here."

"Daniel, you couldn't even make it through practice today." The football coach stood opposite Danny pointed out. He shifted on his feet and leant up against the wall. "You we're still hungover from last night's endeavor. You've wrecked my stats with your bullshit, and I can't afford to take you on again."

The athletic director sat across from Danny at the desk picked up a stack of papers in front of him. His eyes skimmed the top page, and he shook his head. "You've lost more than your scholarship, Mr. Schwinn." He sighed, taking a second to look at the boy in front of him. "You've lost your spot on the team, and after a long talk and look into your file, we've decided it's best USC and you part ways."

Danny felt his words like a blow to the chest. He knew what was coming the minute he was called in on a Monday morning at 9am, but it didn't suck any less. He'd avoided the dean and athletic director as much as he could, but he knew it was inevitable. He'd really fucked up, and there was no going to Dad for support this time.

His parents had cut him off before the season ended, when his mom showed up at campus the third time that semester. She had called the dean for an emergency meeting regarding her son, claiming he'd been dealing with a lot mentally and was then working on being a better student and athlete. She'd cried wolf so many times for him before, it was no different than the others. The story was the same, and she knew that was the last time they'd let the Schwinn family deceive them.

Danny lost his allowance and his funding that day, and he'd struggled to keep a part-time job - at his parents' request - since then. He'd stopped showing up to his gig at BestBuy, he'd been fired from Subway for keeping a joint in the cooler, and Dick's fired him for harassing one of the underage girls he worked with.

At nineteen, Danny Schwinn had finally peaked. He was coming down from his high horse, and at a rapid rate. He'd skated by his freshman year on the promise that he was going to attend all of his classes and that the switch from an easy senior year to a busy, undergraduate athlete's schedule was taking a toll on him. Once his professors and administrators began to catch on to his schematics, the rose-colored glasses were ripped off. It took a little while for the athletic professionals to catch on, but there was no denying it now.

Danny Schwinn was a piece of shit.

"I want you off this campus by Friday morning at 9am. And that includes all campus housing, as well." The dean announced. His statement was final. Danny hung his head, it was over. He'd royally fucked up.

"Is that all then, Arnold?" The coach asked.

"I have nothing else to say. Daniel, you're free to go."

Danny nodded his head and quickly sat up from the chair. He was terrified of what his parents would say, and how he'd tell them. Could he even still go pro without playing in college?

"Oh, Daniel." The dean added, just as Danny reached for the doorknob.  "And when you're questioned by law enforcement regarding what happened to Patrick Tanner and Ethan Calloway, you will need to find your own legal support. There will be no university-backed protection for non-students."

"God, he's a piece of shit." The athletic director muttered when Danny was out of earshot.

"I hope he goes to prison for what he did to those boys." The coach added. "What a fucking sorry excuse of a kid."

"He's a god damned murderer." The dean sighed as he stood from the chair. "I hope he rots."


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