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I woke up the next morning in a funk, and knew it was not going to be my day at all. I had come home last night and convinced my parents I was exhausted from the weekend, and immediately went up to my room to try and sleep. Of course, I had hardly slept at all, and my back was killing me from sitting up with my laptop most of the night.

I tried to Internet-stalk Tessa, after crying and pitying myself, but quickly realized I didn't even know her last name. There was no evidence of any relationship, or even knowledge of her existence on Danny's Facebook, and she and Rhys weren't even friends. I slammed my laptop shut after an hour or two of digging, and tried to sleep it off, to no avail.

Tony had been sleeping soundly (at least one of us was) underneath the covers at my feet, and as soon as he sensed that I was awake, he ruffled the covers and tried to shake the comforter off himself. I took a moment to breathe before getting out of bed to get some breakfast and coffee. I was going to need liquid strength to get through this day, I didn't even know what I was going to say to Danny.

I'd managed to avoid him all night, even after he texted me asking if I wanted to grab donuts before school. I went offline on all social media, hoping he'd think I was sleeping, but he hardly checked it anyway. Unsure of what to say to him, I just ignored him all together, and spent my night spiraling into madness.

I had convinced myself that if I didn't talk to Danny, my life would continue as normal. I didn't know where to begin, if I were to even bring it up. Getting in his truck when he picked me up for school didn't seem like the most appropriate time, neither did lunch, or driving home after school. Truthfully, I didn't want to confirm anything that had been said last night. I was happy in my life with Danny, and I didn't know why the universe would have done something like this to us.

I pulled my phone off the charger, and realized Danny would be here in less than forty minutes to pick me up. I felt a lump forming in my throat again, and tried my best to surpress it so I could go downstairs and act normal in front of my parents.

Tony was running in circles, knowing breakfast was coming after he went potty. I let him out of my room, and he raced to the kitchen. I looked in the mirror and attempted to look a little better, so my mom didn't ask me if I was sick. I wiped at the dried eye crust from crying, and pulled my hair out of its bun. Walking down the stairs, I braced myself for her liveliness, and turned into the kitchen.

My dad was standing at the island with his back to me, and he was talking to my mom who was sitting at the dinette set by the back door. She was reading through a news article on her tablet, and her face lit up when she saw me walk in.

"Good morning, hon. Your dad made toast and eggs for you." She said, and my dad turned around to see me.

"Morning." I said to both of them, and hugged my dad. He handed me a plate that was already made up, and I set it down at the table across from my mom. Tony was still waiting patiently to go out, so I opened the back door and let him roam the fenced-in yard.

Monday mornings were one of the few times we got to eat breakfast together, because my dad didn't have to be at work until later in the morning. He always made breakfast, even if it was just a bowl of cereal with a chopped banana. I normally loved all of my time together with my parents, but today just felt forced.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom quizzed, and I nodded my head instantly.

"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well." A half-truth.

"This is why you shouldn't have access to Netflix after ten. You never sleep right." My mom said, and I laughed quietly, a quick exhale through my nose. If only she knew what really had me up.

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