Chapter 9

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After another long day of practicing with Kaito, we went out separate ways. Returning to my room with a handful of books piled on my small table from the other day, I looked out the window. A clear sight to the royal prisons all the way in the distance. My eyes softened watching the large prison from my own, knowing Iroh was in there. I missed him so much. I wanted reassurance that I was doing the right thing. I have no one. I closed my book and got up. I saw a scroll folded infront of my door. I looked around, closing the window before heading to grab it. Opening it slowly a short message was written.

Much is left to do. Do not lose hope. Along with the note was a Pai Sho tile, more specifically, a lotus tile.

I gasped knowing it was Iroh who sent the message. I looked around my room even though I knew no one was watching, idiot you closed the window already. I shoved the note into my clothes, placing the lotus tile under my bed. Picking up my books and told the guard outside that I was going to the royal library. The man nodded, not following behind, he was one of those guards who couldn't care less what I did. I speed walked to the library, placing the books back. My thoughts tangled, how am I going to see Iroh again?

I saw Zuko rush past the entrance to the library which had no doors with a scroll in hand. I followed him as he shoved the paper into his robe. Once I caught up with him and Zuko snapped his head in my direction.

"I heard that Prince Zuko asked to see me," I said politely just in case guards were around.

"What are you talking about?" Zuko asked.

"Where are you going at this late hour?" I asked.

"Lower your voice," Zuko hissed at me.

"Tell me," I hissed back,"What was that note you just hid?"

Zuko looked around before grabbing my hand, rushing out secretly from the palace. We were headed in the direction of the royal prison. I lit up a bit on the inside knowing this was my chance to see Iroh again. I walked faster, Zuko no longer pulling me with him. We followed a path passing many metal doors. Soldiers watched as I lowered my head walking behind Zuko. I had to act like this was Zuko's idea, which it kind of was. No one can suspect me for following Zuko to meet with a prisoner. It was dangerous but I had to take this chance. We didn't speak as Zuko opened the metal door, opening the cell which was filled with darkness.

I didn't even speak when I rushed over, Iroh looked at me.

"Kya," He said softly as I grabbed one of his hands with both of mine placing it against my forehead. I was overwhelmed, sad, and happy.

I took quick but deep breaths. I needed Iroh's warmth, a comfort that felt so foreign to me now. Weeks had passed without me feeling normal. I was trying to hard not to lose myself in the palace, to not truly believe I was siding with my enemies, that my mind was becoming a mess. It still was.

"You sent this didn't you?" Zuko asked interrogatively, holding the scroll,"I found the secret history. Which by the way, should be renamed the history most people already know! The note said that I needed to know about my great-grandfather's death, but he was still alive in the end!"

"No, he wasn't," Iroh said plainly.

I watched the two as I held Iroh's hand, he squeezed it a bit making me take another deep breath as the conversation went on.

"What are you talking about?"

"You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. Sozin was your father's grandfather. Your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku," Iroh explained.

I took one hand and slowly placed it over my mouth. I was shocked but not as much as I thought I might have been. Iroh continued to hold my hand, as if we were relying on each other for strength. I saw as Zuko's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why are you telling me this?!" Zuko asked.

"Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself," Iroh replied

Iroh let go of me and sat down in the middle of the cell to face Zuko who fell to his knees holding his head in his hands against the cell.

"Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy," Iroh stated.

Zuko was distressed but I couldn't bring myself to comfort him. I just watched standing there listening to every word Iroh said.

"But there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now. By you, because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world,"

A chill went down my spine after listening to Iroh. He was right, Zuko is heir to the throne. No one else is more capable then him to fix the Fire Nations wrongdoings. But Zuko had to decide to do that for himself.

Iroh went to a brick in the wall to take something wrapped in cloth.

"This is a royal artifact," Iroh said, unwrapping it was a hairpiece,"It's supposed to be worn by the Crown Prince,"

Zuko took the royal hairpiece observing it. Zuko was fighting an internal battle. As he clenched the hairpiece in his hand. Zuko is capable of both good and evil. In that moment rationality entered me. Hope entered me. I wanted to continue to try and see good in him, to see good in the world again, I wasn't ready for forgiveness but I was ready to accept change again. He may have betrayed me, but I saw what he could be. Zuko was someone that the world needs to be able to incite change.

He looked up and sighed,"We should leave now," he said getting up.

I looked back at Iroh, "Learn to do what you must for when the moment to strike comes. Trust yourself, and trust others too," Iroh whispered to me.

I nodded knowing what he meant, I needed to get stronger, become a true master. Blood bending, it might end up being the only thing that saves me here. And I need to trust what and who could be good. I can't keep blocking things out just because they overwhelm me, I can't get complacent here.

We walked back right after the sunset. Zuko and I didn't talk much, he was still in too much shock. We agreed no one could find out we went to see Iroh, especially Azula but that was it.

I walked back to my room.

Kaito was here sitting at the small table that was infront of my bed, with a pot of tea and two cups.

"Where were you?" She asked me, but didn't look at me.

"With Zuko," I replied sitting in front of her.

"Doing?" Kaito asked, cocking a brow at me.

"Do I have to say?" I replied.

"No," Kaito replied getting up,"You don't. I'll see you tomorrow at practice,"

Before she left I suddenly spoke up,"Are you really okay with everything you've been through your whole life?"

I didn't know why I said it. It just felt right to ask. I wanted to know what made her side with Azula but also want to be my friend. I wanted to understand. Kaito stood there silently, looking to the ground. The smell of ginseng tea filled the room as Kaito finally looked at me.

"Of course I'm not," She replied before leaving.

I sunk into the floor, releasing a large sigh of relief.

Please don't tell Azula.

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