Chapter 21

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"Not me, I'm out." Chit sang said,"Lets roll baby,"

"We gave up our only chance of escaping," Sokka said,"I hope we haven't just made a huge mistake,"

"We just have to wait and find out," I said.

After about an hour the sun started to rise and an bells blared throughout the entire island. We were on our way to sneak back in when the entire island was going on lockdown.

"The plan failed! They're caught!" Sokka said as I sighed in relief that we weren't in the cooler.

"The gondolas moving," Sokka announced.

We all turned to see the gondola approach the prison, hope and worry mixed in my mind. I wasn't sure how to feel, I just wanted to feel relieved.

"This is it," Sokka said,"If dad's not there then we risked everything for nothing,"

"We had to," Suki said reassuringly while she held Sokka hand.

I anxiously placed the tip of my fingers over my upper lip, while Zuko rubbed my back trying to reassure me.

"Come on, come on,"

We watched as a man stepped out. He was large, had a tattoo and a rose ring.

"Is that him?" Zuko asked as I cringed.

"My dad doesn't have a nose ring," Sokka said.

We continued watching as more men left the gondola in a single line. No dad.

"Where is he?" Sokka said desperately.

"He isn't here?" I said in disbelief.

"That can't be it," Sokka added.

"I'm sorry guys," Suki said as I hugged Sokka.

"Oh no," Sokka said disappointingly.

"It'll be ok," Kaito said giving me a sorry look.

Zuko rubbed my shoulders as I sighed once more.

"Hey you," A guard spoke,"Get off the gondola,"

We broke the hug as we held hands watching to see who came out.

"Dad," Sokka and I said at the same time.


"Stay here," Sokka ordered as he ran off to see Dad closer up.

I tried going after him but Zuko held me back.

"Why can't I go with him?" I asked looking to the others.

"Because, it'll raise suspicion if two 'soldiers' just walk in on the warden welcoming," Kaito said.

"No matter what happens. Your dad is here, just be a little more patient," Zuko added still holding onto my arms just in case I just ran for it.

I groaned loudly as we all watched from afar. The warden spoke directly to my dad, even making him bend down, I gritted my teeth to contain my annoyance. Then they were dismissed, Sokka quickly made his way over yanking me away from Zuko and ran behind the guards that were escorting Dad.

"We'll meet you later," Sokka whisper yelled to the others.

Once the guards left the room the two of us made our way over. Dad was sitting on his bed, his face hidden in his arms. He looked up, giving us a look of both annoyance and anger.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Sokka said.

"If you take one step closer, you'll see just how okay I am," Dad said standing up ready to fight.

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