Chapter 24

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"There, see those Sea Raven flags?" Zuko said tossing me a telescope as Katara woke up, I handed them to Katara,"It's the Southern Raiders,"

"Let's do this," Katara said in a serious tone.

Katara and I created a bubble around Appa as we dove underwater. I created a bubble around myself as I looked up to see the view. I sent a large wave over the ship, men flew over into the water as Katara and Zuko landed Appa on the deck.

I blocked the incoming fire and froze the last few soldiers against the deck walls. We then ran to the Captain's room.

"This is it," Zuko said,"Are you ready to face him?"

I watched as Katara sent a large wave of pressure to the door, busting it open. Then Katara and I got close to the captain.

"Who are you?" Asked the soldier.

"You don't remember them?" Zuko spoke,"You will soon, trust me,"

The captain was about shoot fire as his body stiffened exactly how I did to Azula. My eyes widened as I saw Katara blood bending the man. I lowered my mask.

She has it in her to blood bend. Maybe,,,

"Think back. Think back to your last raid of the Southern Tribe," Zuko said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Please I don't know," The man begged.

"Don't lie!" Zuko kneeled infront of the man,"You look them in the eyes and you tell me you don't remember what you did!"

Katara made the man look up to us, I examined him. It wasn't the man I saw all those years ago.

"Katara, it isn't him," She didn't listen to me as I broke her blood bending with a sharp flick of the wrist, it was no longer messing up my stomach like it used to, I've finally was able to control it. Katara looked back at me realizing I was right.

"What? What do you mean he's not? He's the leader of the Souther Raiders! He has to be the guy,"

I shook my head feeling a bit disappointed. Katara turned around to walk away.

"If you're not the man we're looking for? Who is?!" Zuko interrogated pressing the man against the window.

"You must be looking for Yan Rah. He retired four years ago," The guy said.

Something snapped in me,"Where is he?" I asked putting an ice claw close to the captains eye.


After another long ride we made it to the island where Yan Rah lived, we followed him. I knew this was the man who killed my mother. I really felt nothing for this man, whether he lives or dies, that was up to Katara.

"That was him, that was the monster," Katara said as it started to rain.

"Nobody sneaks up on me without getting burned!" Yan Rah announced shooting fire at a bush.

The man the tripped on the wire we set up and Zuko sent a small flame to the man making him jump back,"We weren't behind the bush," Zuko said,"And I wouldn't try fire bending again,"

"Whoever you are, take my money, take whatever you want," Yan Rah said in fear,"I'll cooperate,"

This man aged to be pathetic.

"Do you know who I am?" Katara asked, pulling her mask down.

"No, I'm not sure," The man replied.

"Your life depends on the your memory of us," I added pulling mine down as well.

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