Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum

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Bucky was sound asleep within a few minutes and once he was Steve came to sit on the couch next to his sister. "So do you just hold him the whole time he sleeps?" He asked.

She smiled down at the sleeping boy in her lap as she responded, "It's called contact napping, it helps him sleep better. He gets anxious when he wakes up and I'm not there."

"He's really attached to you," Sam observed, "I guess it's that Mama-baby bond, huh?"

She nodded her head, "I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Eventually the movie ended and since Bucky was still sound asleep Sam and Steve went back to watching Law and Order while they talked to Y/n. "I didn't expect him to be so cute," Steve said after a few minutes, glancing down at Bucky.

"If you ever need a babysitter let us know," Sam added, pulling Bucky's blanket back to where it had slipped from, "He's a sweetheart."

"I might just take you up on that offer," Y/n said, "He's such an easy baby. All he wants is to be cuddled and read to and take naps all day."

Bucky began stirring a few minutes later and Sam's heart just about melted at the happy look on his face when he woke up and realized that his mama was still there. He nuzzled his face into her chest, letting a happy little sound escape from behind his pacifier when she pressed a kiss to his head.

"Did you have a good nap, baby?" She cooed, letting him hide his face in her shirt while he woke up all the way. He nodded and finally looked up at Steve and Sam, who were now sitting on the couch with his Mama. He gave them a shy little smile and this time when Sam waved, Bucky waved back.

Bucky shifted a little in his mama's lap, but quickly froze. His pull-up was wet. He tried to relax, not wanting Sam or Steve to pick up on what was happening, but at the same time he knew he didn't want to sit in a wet pull-up for the rest of the day. He was completely at a loss of what to do, but just like always his mama had it covered. "I'm gonna take Bucky to my suite real quick to get him a snack," She said, standing up with Bucky hiding his face in her shirt.

"Why don't you just leave him here?" Steve asked confusedly.

Sam, who had guessed exactly what was really going on, lightly smacked Steve's shoulder. "Stop it," he said with a warning look. Once Y/n was a distance away he whispered to Steve, "He needs a change, he's scared to tell us and you're not helping."

But Bucky's enhanced hearing still worked the same when he was little and he swung his head around at Sam's words. His eyes were wide and he looked absolutely terrified. Y/n was frozen in place, clearly waiting for both Steve and Bucky's reactions. But Steve, for once, knew exactly what to say.

"Oh ok," he shrugged, "that's no big deal." Steve leaned back down against Sam as the show droned on and Y/n felt Bucky breathe out a sigh of relief. No one was upset with him, no one hated him.

Once Y/n had gotten Bucky changed and gotten him a snack container full of goldfish, she set him back down on the couch in the common area and went to make herself a snack. She hadn't eaten in a while, being far too preoccupied with Bucky.

While his mama was in the kitchen, Bucky happily snacked away on his crackers and Sam realized he should probably turn off the crime show that was still playing. "Bucky, what do you wanna watch?" He asked, scrolling through the options on the tv. 

"Mickey Mouse?" Bucky asked excitedly, and Sam put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Steve started singing along to the theme song, having watched it with his sister after scary movies many times in the past and the silly voices he was doing drew little giggles out of Bucky. He played along with the characters on screen, responding when Mickey asked questions to the audience and Bucky couldn't stop laughing.

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