Love Is Kind

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TW: There is a conversation about implied SA in the beginning of this chapter. Most of the implication is done by the actual abuser so it may be triggering for some people, please proceed with caution if you are particularly sensitive.

The cell was dark and almost entirely empty, besides a bare bed in the corner. Neither man said a word, unsure of what to say and far more intimidated by the woman than they had expected. They had arrived in the cell over ten minutes ago, after finally getting clearance to go and see her, the very woman that had caused so much pain to their friend.

"I know why you're here," Sarkissian said in an eerily calm tone.

The two men remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"You're looking for something from me, answers maybe? Information that you can't receive from anyone else." She came into the light and both Sam and Steve bit back a gasp at the scars on her visible limbs. "You're not looking for what she looks for."

"Y/n?" Steve breathed, immediately regretting the question as it left his mouth.

"She doesn't visit often," Sarkissian said with an awful smile. "But when she does, it tends to... leave a mark." The look of horror on the couple's faces made her laugh, clearly they hadn't been aware of their friend's activities. "You know she's awfully protective of him," she said, reveling in the looks that she was pulling from the men in front of her. "She tells me every time that this is my sentence, my consequence for what I did to her precious soldier."

"I'm sure you deserve it," Sam said coldly, even as he reached for Steve's hand, linking their pinkies together in hidden support.

"Tell me," Sarkissian continued, ignoring his words. "Does he do for her what he did for me? Does he play the perfect, doting little boy, fulfilling her needs the way that I taught him?"

Steve felt horror flood through his body. "What the hell are you talking about?"

A wicked grin spread across the woman's face. "Don't tell me you don't know," she said, sounding far too excited to inform them. "He's not just a perfect soldier; I'm much more talented than that. He came to me already perfectly versed in combat, an ideal weapon. But I knew he had more potential. I knew he could be a perfect pet, he just needed a little more training."

Sam felt sick to his stomach as the woman began detailing the 'training' that she had put Bucky through. He regretted ever coming to confront her as he realized that this was information that he and Steve were never meant to have. If Bucky ever found out, he'd be beyond angry. This was something that they had no right to know, and yet it felt like he was frozen in place, unable to move as Sarkissian unveiled the extent of what she had done to their friend.

"He was such a good little toy; it's a shame he was taken away from me." She said all too casually. "Although something tells me that my effect on him hasn't lessened, has it? That must be why you're here. Is my little pet having a hard time?" That awful grin appeared on her face again. "Does he need his mommy?"

Steve felt anger rise up in his chest as he unlocked the cell door, not waiting for Sam to finish disabling the cameras before he crossed the room and slammed the woman into the wall. He pinned her there, teeth bared as he watched fear cross her face. "Don't you dare say that again." He gritted out, watching out of the corner of his eye as Sam entered the cell behind him. "He's not your pet. He's not your toy. He's not yours."

"Steve," Sam said softly, laying a hand on his shoulder. "We need to go. She's not worth the trouble."

"She has to pay," Steve growled, pushing harder against the woman's chest and making her inhale sharply.

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