Little Friends

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"Bucky please just go see Tony," Y/n groaned, watching him try to reset his arm for the fourth time that day. "You and I both know that you need to be little today and you won't be able to slip if your arm is bugging you."

"I don't wanna bug him for something so small," Bucky said quietly. "I can tough it out."

"Jarvis, is Tony available to fix Bucky's arm?" Y/n asked.

"Sir has authorized me to, quote, 'send him over', unquote." The AI responded.

"Great, thanks J."

"That's cheating," Bucky said, outraged, as he walked to the elevator.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too." Y/n called back, rolling her eyes as the doors shut.

Soon Bucky was sitting on a table in Tony's lab, trying to stay calm as Tony removed a faulty plate from his arm. "Do you wanna talk while I do this?" Tony asked, being far kinder than he usually was when he saw how anxious Bucky was. They might drive each other insane, but both had always considered it more fun than anything else. There was never any malice behind it, no intent to really hurt.

"How was your Christmas?" Bucky asked, trying to stay calm. He was glad that the plate replacement usually went quickly and there was never any pain.

"It was great! Pep, Rhodey, and I had French toast before we opened up the presents we didn't open at the Christmas Eve party and we got to watch Elf," Tony said happily, paying more attention to the work he was doing on Bucky's arm than the words he was saying. He was supposed to be little later and he wanted to make sure he didn't mess anything up.

"That's nice," Bucky said after taking a deep breath. "I got to have waffles, and we watched A Christmas Story. What'd you get this year?"

"Well I got some new clothes, a really cool mug, and I got a bunch of new toys from my Daddy!" Both men froze at the unexpected slip up. Bucky's eyes went wide as he looked up at Tony in surprise, he'd never really considered that there could be other avengers that were like him. The look on Tony's face was one of complete terror and shame and Bucky could only remember how that same look had crossed his face when Sam and Steve found out. He took a deep breath and said what felt like the bravest sentence in the universe.

"I got a stuffed dragon from my mama," he said quietly. Tony relaxed a tiny bit and Bucky kept going. "He's blue with little green wings and I named him Benny. I got a bunch of other toys too, if you wanna tell me about yours I'll tell you about mine." The offer stood in the air for a moment before Tony finally spoke and resumed his work on Bucky's arm.

"So you're like me?" He asked in a far less confident voice than Bucky usually heard from the billionaire. When Bucky nodded shyly he got a little more bold. "How old are you, like when you, uh, when you're little?"

"You just had to ask the hardest question," Bucky laughed. "I have no clue but my mama thinks I usually end up somewhere between 6 months on the 'tiny days' and 18 months on the bigger days."

"Oh so you're just a little guy," Tony said, and Bucky noted with surprise that he wasn't at all weirded out by the fact that Bucky was a baby. "I'm usually about three and a half, but sometimes I'm a little older or younger. Really depends on the day."

"So you said you have a Daddy?" Bucky asked, curiosity winning over as they both relaxed. "Who's that?"

"Rhodey," Tony explained. "He found out halfway through college, we've been doing this together ever since. Pep found out a couple years back and now I call her Sissa. She's kinda like a big sister, you know? Like a sibling that went away to college and likes to spoil you." He paused for a moment. "Who takes care of you?"

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