Even Mamas Make Mistakes

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"Baby boy," Y/n cooed. "We're here, it's time to wake up."

Bucky whined a little bit, not pleased to be woken up from his nap, but quickly settled down when his mama picked him up. Everything seemed a little bit better in his mama's arms. He finally woke all the way up and saw the cabin, excitedly wiggling away from his mama to go look inside.

"Alright, there's two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen," Sam said after looking around the entire cabin. "Steve and I can share a bed, obviously, and I'm assuming you two can also share?"

Bucky excitedly nodded his head from where he had ended up back in his mama's arms. "Wanna be with my Mama!" He said happily.

Y/n squeezed him affectionately. "Let's go unpack a little and hang out before dinner," she suggested.

Y/n set Bucky up on a blanket in the living room with a few toys while she and his uncles got them all settled in for the next couple days. Once they were done, Steve came to go get Bucky while Y/n and Sam made dinner.

"Hey kiddo!" he said cheerfully, smiling when Bucky immediately reached to be picked up.

"Wan' cuddles," Bucky whispered in his uncle's ear.

"You can have all the cuddles you want, bubba," Steve whispered back, pressing a kiss to Bucky's head and settling him in his lap on the couch. Bucky was straddling him, face pushed into his neck, and holding on tight. "Is everything okay, Buck?" Steve asked carefully. He usually wasn't holding on this tight.

"Hurts," he whimpered, trying to get closer. Steve thought for a moment, confused, before it clicked.

"Oh, bubba," he cooed sympathetically. "It's the touch deprivation huh? It aches?" Bucky nodded his head and Steve pulled a blanket over the little boy, tightening an arm around him and rubbing circles on his back with the other hand. He knew better than anyone how difficult the feeling could be, even for someone that was thinking like an adult. "I've got you, you can stay here as long as you need." A little sigh of relief left Bucky's mouth as he finally relaxed and Steve settled in, mind set on comforting his best friend for as long as he needed.

By the time dinner was ready, Bucky was finally settled down and Y/n came over to check on her brother and her baby. "You alright, baby boy?" She asked gently, seeing the position that they were in.

"He just needed a little contact," Steve assured her. Bucky nodded his head, reaching for his mama to hold him.

"You want some dinner, sweet boy?" She asked, lifting him into her arms and walking to the kitchen.

"Wan' Mama," he said quietly. "Can have dinner an' Mama?"

"Of course little one," she said, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Why don't you sit on my lap while we eat?" Bucky nodded enthusiastically and Sam served them both a plate.

After dinner, while the four of them were sitting in the living room with the fire going, Y/n's phone rang. Because they were on vacation everyone's phones had been programmed not to ring unless it was an emergency, so she set Bucky down on the couch with his uncles and went into the bedroom to take it.

Steve grabbed the friendship bracelet kit that he and Sam had bought earlier, quickly showing Bucky how to weave the thread together, and before long all three of them were happily working on the bracelets. About thirty minutes later, while his uncles were distracted, Bucky decided to go check on his mama. She'd been on the phone for an awfully long time, what if something was wrong?

Bucky swung the door to the bedroom open and saw his mama talking into the phone with an irritated look on her face. He walked in, wanting to make her feel better, but she signaled for him to go. Confused, Bucky came closer. She muted the phone. "Bucky, you need to go back with your uncles, honey," she said in a slightly harsher tone than Bucky was used to hearing from his mama. She pointed to the door. "Now please."

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