Christmas Shopping

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"Y/n, I already got presents for everyone, do you have any idea how hard it is to think of gifts for every avenger that lives in this tower? I'm done with the shopping!"

"For god's sake Bucky," Y/n rolled her eyes and threw a pair of black jeans at him. "Go get dressed."

"But why?" Bucky whined, before turning red at how childish he was acting. He'd been halfway in his headspace for at least a couple days now, he just hadn't had time to slip. He and Y/n were so busy with Christmas and mission preparations that he'd just been waiting for the right opportunity.

"Because you got gifts for Sam and Steve to open with the whole team at the Christmas Eve party, right?" When Bucky nodded, still confused, she continued, "So we need gifts for them to open when we celebrate Christmas morning. We all got gifts for big Bucky and little Bucky so you need to get them gifts from your little self too."

"I'm gonna get to be little Christmas morning?" This was news to Bucky and Y/n winced.

"I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" Bucky nodded his head again. "The three of us have a surprise for you and it'll be better if you're little. Besides, you get back from your mission on Christmas Eve so you're probably going to need it anyway."

Bucky gasped. "Wait! Don't I need to get you another present too?" The gift he had gotten her was for his friend, not his mama. He had no idea what kind of gift could even begin to be a suitable thank you for someone like her.

"Being your mama is enough of a gift for me, Bucky," she said, "Now go get dressed. Your uncles need presents." She threw a shirt and a sweatshirt at him, which he easily caught.

"First of all, stop being cliche," Bucky said. "Second of all, I'm going to go get dressed but it's not because you told me to. I'll meet you at the car in 15 minutes."

"Fine," Y/n rolled her eyes. "We're going to the big Target."

By the time they'd gotten to the store, Y/n had picked up on how close Bucky was to slipping. "Are you going to be okay in the store?

"Yeah, I'm not little little yet, jus' not all the way big." Bucky fiddled with the edge of his jacket. "I wanna get the gifts picked out."

"What do you mean by not little little?"

"You're Mama to me instead of Y/n right now but I can still think like an adult," Bucky explained. "I just might need you to keep me focused or remind me not to put my fingers in my mouth."

"Okay, if you slip all the way or get spooked by something you need to promise that you'll come let me know." She gave him a warning look. The absolute last thing they needed was for him to have a breakdown mid shopping trip because he pushed himself too far.

"I'll come hold your hand, promise," Bucky knew better than to risk exposure. It would be pretty easy to pick out presents from his little self now though, so hopefully it wouldn't take too long.

They browsed through the aisles, looking high and low for presents, but nothing had struck Bucky's fancy yet. He suggested the toy aisle and Y/n went along with his idea, despite her skepticism that they would find gifts for Sam and Steve there.

But Bucky immediately saw the perfect gift. He may have been halfway regressed, but he knew a good present when he saw one. Bucky grabbed the two items, proudly showing them off. Y/n smiled at what he had picked out: two big teddy bears, each one dressed like The Falcon and Captain America respectively.

"You're going to get them teddy bears of themselves?" She asked, a little confused.

"No M- Y/n," he corrected himself. "This one is for Sam." He held up the Captain America bear. "And this one is for Steve. You know how sad they get when one of them is gone on a mission without the other, maybe it'll help them be less sad."

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