Chapter 3

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2 years later

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2 years later

It's night when I get into the house. No one is awake. I slowly make my way upstairs, fists tightly clenched. I make my way across the landing, opening the bedroom door careful not to make a sound. I've done this hundreds of times before, in homes far more dangerous than this one.

I go over to the side of the bed where the boy is sleeping and bend down. I lean close to his ear and say "boo!" The boy screams and scrambled away, he falls off the bed and I smile. I flick on the lamp on his night stand and move over to where he is on the floor.

"Lorri?" He asks sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly "hey big guy." I say and Dustin launches himself at me. "You're home!" He says, I hold him close, I laugh as he clutches at me. Making sure I'm real. I press him into me and close my eyes "Dusty, what was all the screaming for?" Mum appears in the door way.

I turn to face her and flick my hair from my face "hi mum." I say softly. She bursts into tears and rushes towards me. We all stay cuddled up for a few moments longer before mum steps back and wipes her face "I'll go and put the kettle on." I look at the electric clock on Dustin's nightstand "mum." I say laughing lightly "it's 4 in the morning. You guys should sleep."

She shakes her head rapidly and waves me off "like either of us can sleep now that you are here." She says before rushing off down the stairs. Dustin and I sit on the edge of his bed "how is school?" I ask awkwardly, he shrugs, running a hand through his tangled hair "good, I'm getting good grades in science." he answers, I smile and nudge his shoulder with my own.

"Still friends with the same group?" I ask making my way downstairs "yeah, I mean I'm closer to Lucas than Will now but.... Yeah it's the same party." I reach the bottom step, my mind going back to the last time I was at the bottom of these stairs. The day my whole life changed, for better or worse is still debatable.

We go into the kitchen and sit at the island "so." Mum says stirring the cups in front of her "you're home." I nod, clasping my hands together on the table. "Why- why now?" She asks coming over with the mugs "I mean, I'm happy your back but- I thought you weren't coming home until senior year?"

I shrug, looking down at my hands. The hands that have gone from writing and drawing to unspeakable things. I look away from them, as though my mum can read my mind. "I uh, it wasn't working out. I wasn't enjoying it, wanted to come home." I lie, it's a sad lie but better then the real truth.

Mum gives me a pitiful look "I'm so sorry sweetheart." I shrug taking my mug and pulling it towards me "it's ok, I'm glad to be home. With you guys and....." I trail off slumping back in my chair. "Jonathan." Dustin finishes my sentence, I nod slowly "I don't want to talk about me." I say "I want to hear about you guys, what you have been doing for the past two years."


Once the sun has risen I rise up off of the sofa and go up to my old room. I push open the door and step inside. It's different. It reflects who I was two years ago rather than who I am now. My walls are a light pink colour matching the covers on my bed.

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