Chapter 58

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Dustin still hasn't left for school yet and so I pound my fist on his door

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Dustin still hasn't left for school yet and so I pound my fist on his door. "Dustin get your ass out of bed and into the car or you'll have to walk to school." I shout before moving to open his door. This action is met with a very girly screech of "I'm naked." And I immediately back track out of the room. "My argument still stands Dust, if you aren't in the car in 5 minutes you are not getting a ride for the rest of the year." Through the door I hear a sigh "Ugh fine, I'll be there." Dustin says and I make my way down the stairs.

It's the Hawkins High pep rally today and so everyone is going to be there. Including Steve who I see as I step out of my car. "Well if it isn't a sight for sore eyes." Robin says as I make towards them, a smile spreads on all of our faces. "Hey." Steve says gently as I reach them, "Hey." I reply before kissing him. The kiss deepens quicker than expected and Robin clears her throat "Alright lovebirds, you have officially made me feel lonely in about 3 seconds. Must be a new record. Can we go now?" We all laugh but follow our friend inside.

Robin joins her friends in band to get ready while Steve and I find seats. Once we are settled he nudges my shoulder as I look at the program "hmm?" I say looking up. "Are you going to see Jonathan during the Spring Break?" He asks casually, even though we have spoken about this a thousand times, he always asks again. "Uh, I don't think so." I admit, placing the folded paper in my lap "He never got back to me." This wasn't unusual for us since he moved away to California, at first we would talk on the phone for hours every Sunday, catching each other up. But then it got less and less and now I am lucky to hear from him once a month. Steve frowns "Want me to talk to him?" He asks and I smile while shaking my head "It's ok baby, I am sure I will see him during the summer."

Just then the cheerleaders stop dancing and the announcer says "And let's hear it for your Tigers!" Everyone starts ti cheer loudly, including me. I never thought I would be one to show school spirit but ever since the fall of the Academy and the Upside Down, my life has been pretty mundane. The leader of the basketball team leans into the mike and shouts "Good morning Hawkins High!" Everyone starts cheering again "First off... First off I would like to thank everyone. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourselves a big hand." Steve leans into me and whispers "I know how we can use a big hand." I go bright red and elbow him in the stomach, looking around to see if anyone else heard but it doesn't appear that way.

"And of course, I have to give a special shout-out to the best and the prettiest fans of all time, the Tiger Cheer Squad." The leader then stops in front of a blonde "Chrissy." He says "Chrissy I love you babe." I turn to Steve and at the same time start pretending to throw up before falling into fits of laughter. "You know..." Oh my god he is still talking "I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins." Yeah and he doesn't even know the half of it. "So much loss. And sometimes I wonder how much loss can one community take? In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy, I looked at my team, and I said, think of Jack. Think of Melissa. Think of Heather. Think of Billy. Think about our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. Think about each and everyone of our friends who perished in that fire."

Steve squeezes my hand at the last two names and kisses my temple. "What did they die for?" The highschooler asks "For us to loose to some crap school? No. For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No. No. Let's win this game. Let's win this game and that is exactly what we did!" The crowd starts cheering and I roll my eyes, feeling a lot less patriotic than before. "We embarrassed those candy-ass in their own house." He shouts and I really wish someone would just shut him up "And now tonight, tonight, we're gonna bring home the championship trophy!"

Once that is over, Steve and I make a swift exit. He has work at the video store while I will be keeping him company, it's the best way for us to spend time together at the moment as I have nothing to do while he has to work all of the time. It's annoying but Steve wants to save up enough money to move out of his parents house, I've only met his parents a handful of times but the times I have, well I support his choice.

He has a couple of customers so I put my headphones on and play my cassette tape as I work on my drawings. That is something else I have gotten into since I have been leading a normal life. Suddenly my headphones are taken off of me and Steve places them over his own ears "What are you listening to?" He asks and then rolls his eyes when he hears what it is. I smile and lean forward, snatching them back "of course." he muses and I chuckle "It's a good song." He rolls his eyes again. "It was the first hundred times you played it. Aren't you sick of it by now?" I shake my head, the song we are talking about it Part Time Lover by Stevie Wonder.

Someone calls the store and it turns out to be my brother asking Steve to join his D&D club tonight. "What, to hang out with you and Eddie 'the freak' Munson?" Steve asks leaning over the counter casually "Yeah I'll pass. Would rather be making out with your sister." He shoots me a wink and I smile. I can just imagine my brothers response being a mix of disgust and disappointment. Steve pulls a face at whatever Dustin just said and replies "Ew. Ugh. Whatever. Besides, me and your sister have a date tonight. I'm standing her up to go and play in your losers club." A group of customers come in and Steve scrambles to get off the phone.


We arrive at the school again just in time for the game, I wrap my leather jacket around my body. "When you said date night, this is not what I imagined." I complain and Steve takes my hand and helps me up into the rows of seats. "We are here to support Lucas." He reminds me as we take our seats close to the band to see Robin. He then leans in closer when he sees the look on my face "I will make it up to you later." He whispers and I blush again. As the national anthem is starting to be sung by someone in Steve's year that is not a good singer, me, him and Robin all make eye contact and Steve mouths "I told you. Muppet" I cover my mouth to stop the giggling. "Okay." Robin mouths back "She does sound like a muppet."

The game finally starts and I've got to say, I hate sports. With a passion. It's so boring, I don't know what anyone finds interesting about it. While everyone is standing and cheering, I sit on the bench and drawing calmly. Steve nudges me and I look up "Lucas is playing!" He says, my eyes widen and I stand up, finally taking an interest. He is almost exclusively on the bench whenever there is a game, he rarely plays so watching him play now is finally exciting. Lucas makes a shot in the final second and it feels like the whole auditorium is holding its breath.

He scores and we all scream in celebration. Lucas did it! He actually did it! After the game we rush to meet Lucas outside. "Lori!" He shouts and comes racing over to me, we hug and Steve warns "Watch those hands buddy." We step away from each other smiling. "That was insane Lucas, congrats!" I say and he beams brightly "Thank you, oh there are my parents. I've gotta go." We wave him off and watch as he races for his parents. Steve wraps his arms around me and I breathe in his scent.

"Home?" He asks and I smile "Mine or Yours."

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