Chapter 17

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We slowly make our way back into the living room, Jonathan first, then Nancy, then me, then Steve

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We slowly make our way back into the living room, Jonathan first, then Nancy, then me, then Steve. I can feel my heart racing as we realise the room is empty. Steve breaks the silence by muttering "this is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy." Over and over again as though he is in shock. He then jumps over to the phone and starts dialling, I reach over and snatch the phone, throwing it across the room. He looks up at me with wide eyes "what are you do- what are you doing? Are you insane?" He shouts.

"It's going to come back!" I shout back at him "so you need to leave. Right now." Steve looks at me confused but the finally listens and races from the house. I rub my forehead, feeling a headache coming on which isn't the greatest timing but we will figure something out.

The lights start flickering again and I suck in a breath, holding my gun up waiting for the monster to appear. "Where is it?" Nancy asks breathing heavily. Jonathan clutches his bat tighter "come on." He says "come on, you son of a bitch." I wince against the lights, hand hovering over the trigger. "You see it?" I ask and Nancy shakes her head, her voice panicked "no. Where-"

The lights go out and it feels like my heart has stopped beating. There is a growl of the monster and Nancy turns around "Jonathan! Lorri!" She shouts in fear and we jump into action. The monster pins Jonathan down and without blinking I start shooting at it, it doesn't seem bothered by me. I continue shooting at him and shout "go to hell, you don't of a bitch!" And the monster finally looks up.

It stands up to its full height and stalks towards me. I continue to shoot but then my gun runs out of bullets, "shit!" I mutter looking around me for something to use. I find a knife, thrown on the floor and I reach to it just as someone comes in front of me. Hitting the monster round the head with the baseball bat is Steve, i round on him, wide eyed as Nancy says "Steve!"

The monster roars and Steve moves it away from the rest of us. He hits the monster again and again, the lights are blinking violently around us. "It's in the trap!" Steve announces as the monster roses in pain. I help Jonathan up and we race to where he is standing. "He's stuck!" I shout as we watch the monster try and get out of the trap.

"Jonathan! Now!" Nancy orders and he throws the lit lighter at the ground by the monster's feet setting it alight. I move to stand next to Jonathan but Steve holds me back, he looks over at me "don't." He says softly and I don't fight him. Now is not the time. Jonathan then reaches for the fire extinguisher and puts the flames out before the whole house catches on fire.

We all cough against the smoke which reveals... nothing. The monster isn't there, not even a corpse. "Where did it go?" Nancy asks voice all of our thoughts. "No." Jonathan says lightly "it has to be dead. It has to be.

Just when we are starting the relax the lights above us start flicking on, one by one and Steve steps in front of us with the bat raise. "What the hell?" I mutter and Nancy grips my hand in hers. We follow the lights as the flicker on, all of us silent in our confusion.

"Mum." Jonathan says more to himself than to us with tears in his eyes "is that you?" He takes a shuddering breath "mum?"

My headache is getting worse as we get step out of the house into the cold night air. We watch a street lamp flicker, I clutch one of the wooden beams for support. Steve notices and frowns "you good Henderson?" He asks and I nod, not giving anything away on my face.

"Where is it going?" Nancy asks completely oblivious to my current state. "I don't think that's the monster." I say gritting my teeth as a burning sensation fills my head.


They found Will, he is in the hospital and we all wait in the waiting room for Joyce and Jonathan to come back out. I am leaning forward, legs bouncing incredibly fast "hey." Someone says standing in front of me.

I look up Steve holds out a chocolate bar "for you." He says nervously, I sit up and take it "thanks." I mutter and then he sits next to me. We fall back into silence again until Jonathan comes back in and looks over at his brothers friends.

Mike launches out of his seat, shaking the others "he's awake guys!" He says "wake up! Will's away!" And Lucas and Dustin jump awake following their friend out of the room.

My head is still painful and I can't hide it this time I wince. Steve looks over at me with a frown "are you ok?" He asks quietly. I suck in a breath and drop my hand from my head "I'm gonna go and get some fresh air." I say and get up up.

I walk out of the hospital and spot Hopper. I go over, taking out a cigarette "you got a lighter?" I ask and he turns to me "aren't you a little young to smoke?" He asks eyeing me suspiciously. I give him a look and hold out my cigarette "I'm too old to fight a mythical monster. Yet...." He rolls his eyes and hands me his lighter.

A few seconds later Steve Harrington comes out of the doors and steps closer to me "I just wanted to see if you were ok." He says tucking his hands into his pockets. I bring my cigarette up to my lips and say "we need to make a deal Harrington." He raises his eyebrows and I continue "no more hot and cold bullshit. You either nice to me or you are a bully."

He nods his head "I'll be nice. I want to be nice." I sigh and take a drag of my smoke "deal but the next time pull any of your shit it's done." Steve nods his head rapidly again and I smile. I hear slow clapping behind me and I assume it's Hopper who is still out here.

But it's not. I turn around and see Robert slowly clapping as he makes his way towards us. Hopper takes note of him and steps a little closer to me. My fists clenched. "Well said Lorelei." Richard says teasingly, a smirk on his face. He lets his hands drop. He tilts his head and looks up at me with his big brown eyes, "it's time sweetheart."

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