Chapter 57

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I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror

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I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. I told myself I would be different after destroying the Academy but here I am again covered in blood that isn't mine. I turn the tap on and watch the sink fill up. My hands are shaking and I almost jump out of my skin when someone bangs on the door. "Mum!? Can you hurry up?" I hear my brother say. I swallow hard, I can't pretend to be mum, Dustin will know instantly that I am not mum but I don't want him to see me like this. The banging on the door gets more violent until I have no choice but to open it.

Dustin opens his mouth, about to say something when his eyes widen and he launches himself at me "Lori! You're back." I smile gently and hug him despite the fact I am currently covered in blood. "I always come back Dust, you know that." I muse. He then steps away and takes in my appearance.

"Oh my god! Is that blood?" He asks starting to panic, I lower my head "yes it is. Now can I go clean up or are you going to continue to bother me?" He shakes his head and pulls a face. "Yeah no, of course." He says before disappearing back into his room.

I slip back into the bathroom and swiftly wash off any evidence from me. After my shower I change into a red striped tank top and denim shorts. Throwing my hair up into a ponytail I head out of my room and across the hall to my brothers.

I knock on the door gently and it swings open to reveal not only Dustin but Mike and Lucas. "Hey guys." I say and they all smile widely at the sight of me. "Steve said you got arrested." Mike says as his way of greeting, I shrug my shoulders innocently "something like that. No Max?" I peek my head round the door to see a lack of red hair.

The three boys all look at each other before Dustin clears his throat and checks his watch "we have a D&D game we need to get to. We'll see you later Lori." He says before the three of them zoom off down the stairs.


I leave the house soon after my brother does. Going downtown to Steve's place. I knock on the door, swallowing hard, nervous butterflies dancing around in my stomach. The door opens to reveal Steve's mum "Yes?" She snaps as though I have disturbed her from something important. I scratch the back of my neck nervously "I'm here to see Steve." I say "Is he in?" His mother looks me up and down like she is judging me and I feel her eyes crawling across my skin.

"What do you want with him?" She asks, staring down at me. I open my mouth to reply before Steve appears in view, his hair messy and in pyjamas. "She's my girlfriend mum, Jesus. Lay off would you?" He says, I smile at the sight of him and have to refrain from leaping into his arms. Steve's mum rolls her eyes and steps aside for him "Whatever, just don't make too much noise got it?" She snaps back before disappearing from view.

We stand in silence for a few moments before Steve laughs awkwardly "Sorry about that." He says and I shake my head, stepping towards him. He opens his arms and envelopes me in a hug. I smile, closing my eyes before Steve grabs my shoulders and holds me away "Not that I'm not glad you're here, because I am. But why did they release you." I swallow hard and look up at him with big brown eyes.

He sighs and hangs his head "They didn't let you go did they?" He asks. I take one of his hands and shrug innocently "They did technically. Let's go to your room, I'll explain everything." He nods and slowly he takes me upstairs. On the way I notice ow eerily quite it is in here, even though I also only live with two other people there is still noise, as though someone lives there. I never realised how lonely Steve must be as an only child.

We reach Steve's room and I take it in for the first time. He has a double bed hugging the right corner of his room and there are poster decorating the walls. "I haven't changed it much since I was 14." He tells me slightly embarrassed. I smile and go over to his bed where a stuffed bear sits."And what's his name?" I ask placing him on my lap, Steve smirks and comes over, falling on top of the bed.

"Mr Bear." Steve admits making me giggle, "Mr Bear?" I ask and he holds his hands up "I was three ok, not peek creativity time." I laugh before placing Mr Bear back. Steve then clears his throat, his face turning serious "What happened?" He asks. I look away down at my hands that only an hour ago were covered in blood. I take a deep breath "So you know I took out the Academy, that's why I was away for so long." Steve nods and stays silent to I continue "apparently I intervened with an investigation by a secret agency and they were arresting me because they thought I had killed innocent children."

This makes my boyfriends eyes widen "You didn't though right?" He asks for clarification. I shake my head "No, I didn't. I got all of the kids out before I blew the place up. They didn't believe me, they asked for the addresses of the kids if I really did get them out, I refused, I didn't want anything to happen to them."

I hear shouting in the hallway outside of my cell. I sit up in my bed and hear commotion outside, there is shouting and gun shots which make me jump before my door finally swings open. In a halo of light stands Micheal "Why are you just staring at me? Let's go" He says snapping me out of my gaze. I follow him down hallway after hallway until we are stopped by a group of armoured men with guns.

I look at Micheal for instructions, he grits his teeth "fuck it." I hear him mutter and he launches himself at the men. I swiftly follow him, throwing one man up against a wall, he tries to life his gun but I break his arm. He screams in pain as I drop him to the floor before I snap his neck. "Are you done?" Micheal asks as I turn around, he has already disposed of the other men.

More men round the corner and I sigh "Can I just-?" I start but Micheal caves in before I can finish "Just do it." And I unleash myself out of then.


"So you saved those kids?" Steve asks and I am surprised that that is what he takes from my tale. I nod my head swallowing hard "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." I say my voice breaking slightly. Steve cups my face in his hands and peers deeply into my eyes "My girlfriend is a superhero, of course I want to be with you." He then kisses me deeply. I pull him closer to me, he pushes me down onto the bed before climbing onto of me.

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