Chapter 12

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"Nancy!" Jonathan and I continue to shout as we walk through the woods, trying to find the brunette

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"Nancy!" Jonathan and I continue to shout as we walk through the woods, trying to find the brunette. God if something happens to her.... well this town already think's Will is dead, this could cripple it. I cup my mouth with my hands and shout "Nancy! follow my voice! we are right here." still nothing. We then hear screaming and I follow behind Jonathan as we race for a tree, and we see something like spider webs inside although they look unnatural, slimy almost. Jonathan gets closer to it, crouching down and I suck in a breath "Johnny be careful." And he nods signally he heard me.

He shines the torch into the hole in the tree and repeats my earlier words "Nancy! Follow my voice!" Apparently this works as she manages to stick her hand through the gooey webs and Jonathan starts to pull her out. He turns to look at me "help us!" He says and I move, helping him pull Nancy out of the tree. She falls on top of Jonathan once she is out, I stand up and brush myself off. Clutching at the gun at my side as Nancy starts sobbing and Jonathan soothes her "I've got you."

I survey the woods as they continue to embrace "guys, we should really get out of here. In case that thing comes back." They move away from each other and Nancy nods, tugging at the sleeve of her brown coloured jacket "yeah, lets go."


I am standing outside of Nancy Wheeler's house having a smoke when Steve Harrington pulls up with his friends in the back seat and he climbs out. He doesn't see me at first as he goes over to the side of the house and moves to climb up onto the roof to get to Nancy's window. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warn as I let out a puff of smoke, he almost jumps out of skin which makes me smile. He turns to look at me "what?" He asks shortly and I shrug, taking another drag "I just said I wouldn't do that if I were you. You'll get hurt." I say again and Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes "yeah whatever."

He starts climbing again, I sigh and watch as he climbs the house silently, up to Nancy's window. I did warn him. Jonathan and Nancy are up there, he is comforting her after whatever she saw while she was gone. Honestly its kind of sweet, if I can move past my jealousy of it. I never had anyone to comfort me about what I went through for two years but I guess I'm a lot tougher than Nancy Wheeler. I watch as Steve pauses at the window, I can't see his face but I know it is one of hurt.

I can't help but feel bad for him, even if it isn't like that between Johnny and Nancy. Yet. He climbs back down and I finish my cigarette, stamping it into the ground. He stalks towards me, hands in his pockets "it isn't like that between them." I say casually and Steve tilts his head towards me "oh yeah?" he says  "what do you know about it? You're down here, giving them privacy." He practically spits the last word. I roll my eyes and step towards him, tilting my own head so I can look up at his face "I am friends with both of them." I say cooly "if there was anything going on between them, I would know. That and Nancy is totally in love with you."

This catches the boy off guard "what?" he asks softly and I frown up at him, admiring the way his features look in the low lamp light. "Did you honestly not know that?" I ask running my hands through the tangled mess of my hair, Steve shakes his head, not taking his eyes off of me "this is the first I'm hearing of it." He muses and I sigh. I let my eyes trail up to the window that leads to my friends bedroom "I may not like you." I say allowing my eyes to fall back onto Steve "but all I ask is don't break her heart." Steve sighs, looking down and kicking a stone with his boot.

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