Chapter 6

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Lorelei. I hear someone whisper to me, a familiar voice. Lorelei I'm coming for you, I know where you are, you cant hide forever. I gasp awake in a swear despite the cold weather. Feeling on edge I climb out of bed and change into appropriate running gear, tie my hair up in a ponytail and head out of the house. I decide to run a lap of  town, I woke up early enough and it will help clear my mind. Ever since I left the Academy I have been plagued by nightmares and things that feel too real to be dreams. They probably aren't dreams, if I learnt anything from that place it was definitely that nothing was purely black and white, there was always a hidden third colour.

I push myself harder in the crisp morning air until I physically can't move anymore and sit down on the side walk. I wipe my forehead of the sweat collected from my run. Panting I put my head between my knees, it seems my run hasn't worked out the dreams plaguing me. That voice was as familiar as my own but he can't have found me. I made myself intractable.

"My mum said she saw someone outside our house, I didn't expect it to be your Henderson." Steve says sitting next to me. He hands me a glass of water and I drink from it steadily "thank you." I say breathing heavily. He shrugs and clasps his hands together in front of him. Steve looks down and I take the moment to look at him.

He has a strong jaw that goes well with the rest of his face. His hair is big, well big for a guy anyway and always looks so soft. I shake my head and look away. I can't be having those thoughts about someone who made my life hell. And is Nancy's boyfriend. He is the first to break the silence "what are you doing here anyway?" He asks, not accusingly but I know how easily he can get aggressive.

"I went for a jog." I say bending down and picking up a rock "this early?" He asks more puzzled then anything. I nod my head, chancing a look at him to see him already staring at me. I look away, at the rock in my hand "a habit I picked up when I was away, guess I can't really break it." I don't want to tell him the real reason.

Even though I can take of myself now, I am not ready to expose my darkest secrets to my middle school bully. Steve clears his throat and stands up, I do the same and hand him the empty glass "thanks for the water." I say he nods awkwardly taking it from me "no worries." He mumbles heading back to his house.


"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become....." Barbara is reading off a study card helping Nancy prepare for a test as we walk down the halls. "Unoccupied space." Nancy answers without hesitation, "a molecule that can-" Barb starts on another question but the cards get ripped out of her hand by some guy.

Oh wait, it's Steve Harrington "I think you've studied enough Nance." He says as Tommy comes along and pokes Bard on the face. "Steve." Nancy says sounding exhausted, "I'm telling you." He continues lightly "you know you got this. Don't worry. Now, on to more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mums gone with him, cause you know. She doesn't trust him."

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