Chapter 20

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"Still no sign?" My brother asks Lucas as I walk towards the two of them, Lucas turns his head with the binoculars attached to his eyes "jack shit

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Still no sign?" My brother asks Lucas as I walk towards the two of them, Lucas turns his head with the binoculars attached to his eyes "jack shit." He replies. I go over to them and lean over slightly "what are you doing?" This makes the two boys jump out of their skin. Dustin clutches his chest as he spins around to face "Jesus Christ Lorri, you scared the shit out of us!" He says and I smile, standing up straight again "what are you doing?" I repeat my question. The two middle schoolers look between one another before Lucas explains "someone beat our high score on Dig Dug but they didn't use their real name. We are trying to figure out who it is."

I frown and look down at them "and you can do that by standing out here like creeps?" I ask and they both get embarrassed. I check my watch and heave a heavy sigh "well, I have things I need to do. Have fun being creeps." A car revs into a space and I notice a familiar blonde sitting behind the wheel. He notices me and smirks, winking playfully. I roll my eyes and watch as his step sister climb out of the car, they start arguing but I can't hear anything they are saying as Jonathan arrives in his car.

"Well get in then." He says when I just stay standing there. I click my tongue before moving for the passenger side. "You need to learn some patience young man" I tease as I do up my seatbelt, Jonathan scoffs before turning back down towards the main road "you need to move those short legs of yours." That earns him a hit on the arm.

We get to the Byers home and Jonathan hesitates, I turn my body to face him. "What's wrong?" I ask, Jonathan turns his head and rests it against the head rest behind him "Bob is in there." He says softly "I still think it's weird that mum is dating again." I copy his motion by resting my head back "isn't a good thing? I mean once you and Will move out she will be all alone, plus." I sit back up and open my car door "just because you are celibate doesn't mean she has to be." We both climb out of the car and Jonathan pulls a face.

"First of all." He says "gross and secondly if I'm celibate, you are too." I snort and put my hands in my jacket pockets heading up the path to the front door "that's a bold claim to make Mr Byers are you willing to bet on it." Jonathan pauses, looking at me for a moment while deep in thought before shaking his head and following me up the path "you know I never bet against you Lorri." I smile and grab the door handle "because I take all your money."

Jonathan and I both head inside where Bob, Joyce Byers' new boyfriend is currently filming her with his new video camera. "Hey Bob!" I greet cheerily "hey Joyce." They both turn to me with bright smiles matching my own "evening Lorelei." Bob says friendly waving at me, I wave back before being embraced by Joyce who is like a second mother to me. Her protectiveness only got worse after everything with Will last year. "It's good to see you Lorri." She says and I hold her tightly "you too." Jonathan sighs and pulls me away from his mum. "Alright, alright. That's enough, she is my friend you know." He says and I look over at him. Smiling I say "actually I only come here to see your mum"

He rolls his eyes and mouths "bite me." we both chuckle before everyone settles down to watch the movie.

During the movie Bob and Joyce laugh at all the funny parts, Jonathan and I are falling asleep against each other on the other sofa and Will seems to be in a world of his own. Which is a common occurrence since everything he went through. Not that I blame him, I think he is taking it exceptionally well. The phone rings making us all jump despite us watching a comedy. "Hey." Bob says soothing his girlfriend who is a little on edge, I mean we all are, "it's ok. Let it go." Joyce nods and looses a deep breath.

It persists to ring and my heart rate picks up slightly, none of seem to really settle after that though.

Once the movie is finished I am already half asleep, I get up and practically stumble for the door when Jonathan stops me. "Just stay." He says simply "it's fine." I nod, too tired to argue and let him lead me to his room. I climb silently and smoothly into his bed while he creates a make shift one on the floor. "Night Rei." I hear him say in the darkness, my face is almost fully squished against the pillow as I mumble back "night Johnny." Before the darkness claims me.

Stay or Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें