Chapter 21

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"So what are you and Nancy dressing up as for the party?" I ask Steve Harrington as we look through the costume section looking for one for me

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"So what are you and Nancy dressing up as for the party?" I ask Steve Harrington as we look through the costume section looking for one for me. Steve wanders around, arms behind his back "Joel and Lara from Risky Business." He answers and I snort. I admire a costume before putting it back, not really my style. "I hate that movie." Steve throws his hands up in the air "me too! But Nancy loves it so I'm just rolling with it." He says and I nod. Steve picks up a costume, a sexy nurse "I think this is very you." he teases and I snort shaking my head this time.

I walk over to him and tip my head "I thought you would pick me out something classier." before he can retort I sigh heavily and turn my head from side to side "let's bounce, there isn't anything I like." Steve gasps and clutches his chest as he follows me out of the store. "Not even my nurses costume?" he asks and I laugh lightly patting him on the shoulder "especially not the nurse."

Steve and I have been getting closer recently. Trauma bonds people I guess. He and Nancy are still dating and I have to admit, they are pretty cute together if a bit sickening. Which I tell both of them, regularly. "What you gonna do about your costume?" Steve asks as we make for our cars. I shrug and unlock my vehicle "I'll figure something out." Steve nods and we lock eyes for a moment.

For a moment we stand there just looking at each other. Steve clears his throat and unlocks his own car "I'll see you later Lore." I nod smiling. I wait until he has fully pulled out of the parking lot before turning back to my own car.


I get home and my brother is making a lot of noise in his room. Frowning I go over and knock gently on the wooden door. The sounds stop. "Dustin." I call "everything alright in there?" I hear footsteps and his bedroom door swings open. My brother is wide eyed "I found something." He says and motions me in.

I step into his room and wrinkle my nose "Dust, your room is a mess." Dustin scoffs and goes over to his turtle tank. "That isn't it Lorri!" He says as though it was stupid for me to even suggest he cleans his room. I tilt my head "then what is it?" I watch as he dips into the tank and pulls what I can describe as a slug.

"Dustin is that a slug?" I ask leaning forward, he shakes his head "no, it's from the upside down." He tells me "it's cute isn't it." I wrinkle my nose again and stand up straight "if that is from the upside down, it isn't safe to have here." Dustin groans and holds the animal close.

He looks up at me with big round eyes "can I keep him? I promise if he gets out of hand I'll get rid of him." I sigh heavily and stare at the slimy beast "promise me." I hold out my pinky finger. Dustin links his with mine and we shake.

"Where did you even find it?" I ask and he scratches the back of his head "in our trash bin." My eyebrows raise and I make for his door "do you think it came from the portal?" Dustin shrugs and places the animal back in his tank. "I don't know, probably. I'm going to call him D'Artagnan." I give him a blank look and he looks disappointed in me "dart for short."

I nod awkwardly and leave him to looking after his new pet. I go back to my room and grab the cardigan from the back of my vanity chair. I wrap it around me against the temperature of the house. As I inhale I notice it smells slightly of men's cologne and I smile. It smells like Jonathan. As if that thought as just hit me I jump off of my bed and rush down the hall.

"Lorri!" My brother calls "where you going?" I swing open the front door and call back "I need to do something, I'll be back soon." And I slam the door behind me.


I've never driven so fast in my life. I don't know I am. It isn't anything important. I hear sirens behind me and flashing blue lights. I curse and pull over, turning my engine off. I watch as a familiar figure comes stalking towards me in the darkness.

I roll down my window "evening Chief." I greet cheerfully. Hopper bends down so he is eye level with me. He tilts his head "Lorelei? What are you rushing for?" I know his mind has instantly gone to the demogorgan or the upside down because my head would go there too. I shake mine and smile sweetly "I didn't realise the speed I was going." Which is the truth "let me off this time?"

Hopper sighs deeply, looking over at his cruiser which I assume has another person in it. He takes out a wad of paper and says "I'm going to pretend to give you a ticket." He starts scribbling lines on the paper "and you are going to pretend to be really sad about it."

I school my features and wait for him to finish. Hopper hands me the doodled paper and tips his head "have a nice night Lorri." I smile gently and place the paper on my passenger seat. "You too Hops."


I get to the Byers house and walk up to the front door. I knock gently and Bob opens it "oh, hi Lorelei!" He says seeming surprised. I smile and start playing with my hair nervously "hey Bob, is Jonathan in?" He nods opening the door more.

"Sure is, wanna come in?" He asks and I shake my head stepping back a few paces "No it's ok, if you could just send him out here." Bob looks concerned but agrees, disappearing for a moment.

After waiting for a few minutes two sets of footsteps come towards me and Jonathan appears in the doorway. "Lori?" He asks sounding confused "what's up?" I try to ignore the once over he gives to make sure I am ok. I wrap my arms around me "can we talk?"

Something clicks and Jonathan's expression changes from confusion to understanding. He nods, closing the door gently and moving so we both sit on the porch steps. I bring my knees up to my chest and look out over the forest around us.

"You know you can tell me anything Lorri." Jonathan says after a few moments of silence, he slips his hand into mine.  I sigh heavily and looking over at him. He is already looking at me with a certain amount of innocence which makes my chest feel tight.

I swallow hard "why did you kiss me? The day before I left for the Academy, you kissed me." I've put off asking the question for so long but it has been eating me up. Jonathan takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair.

"When we were younger." He starts "before you left, I was so in love with you. You were blind to it of course but I don't think there was anything I wouldn't have done for you back then." I tilt my head, still watching him although he is now looking away. "I kissed you because I didn't know how else to tell you, I was so awkward back then." I chuckle and rest my head on his shoulder "you still are."

This makes him chuckle then I ask another question "what about now?" This makes Jonathan hesitate but then he clears his throat. "You are my best friend Lori. I have never wanted to ruin that." He says and I smile, squeezing his hand "me too Johnny."

He then stands up and offers his hand, he helps pull me up. I brush myself off and yawn awkwardly "I should probably go." He nods. As he walks back towards the door I call out "Johnny wait!" He stops and turns around. I envelope him in a hug.

"I don't know what i would do without you." He hesitates before wrapping his arms around me tightly and I close my eyes. "I love you Lorelei." He whispers gently and tears prick in my eyes "I love you too Jonathan."

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