Chapter 18

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I swallow hard, trying to push past the lump in my throat "whatever it is

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I swallow hard, trying to push past the lump in my throat "whatever it is ."Hopper says drawing Richard's attention to him "it can wait until tomorrow ok?" of course. The pain in my head was Richard, I forgot that was the power gifted to him. To cause pain. The dark haired man smiles sweetly making my pressure drop "Lea you know its pointless to fight me." he says "let's go." He holds out his hand. I step in front of Steve and Hopper, staring down at the other man "Richard." I say folding my arms "I'll never go back there. Leave."

He drops his head a little bit "you know I can't do that sweetheart. It'll be my head as well as yours if I don't go back with you." I feel the two men behind me staring but I ignore them. I left my chin up "this won't end well for you Rich, you know it." He smirks cockily at me and steps forward "from the looks of it, you haven't trained in a while, do you really wanna put that to the test?" I clench and unclench my fists. Angry because I know he is right, I have been lax with keeping with my work outs and other things.

"Why do they want me back anyway? They know I will never tell their secrets, I cant without implementing myself." I muse feeling Steve move closer to me. Richard scoffs throwing his hands up "beats me, princess." He says and then his eyes land on the two people behind me. Richard smirks "well well, what do we have here?" He asks and I feel my blood freezing, I let my arms drop "two this time Lea? You have really stepped up your game."

I roll my eyes "calling me a slut?" I ask innocently "not very original." Richard chuckles and moves closer "poor little Lorelei." He muses softly "guess you had to look for a new fuck buddy. I'm sure the guy with the hair will suffice. You've always had a thing for dark hair." Richard gestures to Steve. Then he turns to Hopper "but you have also been into older guys so the police chief might do a better job." I move closer to him, if I reach out my hand I can touch him. "Leave them alone." I say through clenched teeth.

Richard just laughs before punching me square in the face. "Woah!" I hear Hopper say as I stagger back a few steps, Steve catches me by the elbow and he says "what the hell man!?" I straight and rub my nose for a second. Richard stares at me, holding his arms out "come and get me princess." I growl and stalk towards him, anger surging through my entire body. That was a cheap shot and he knows it as he smirks. I throw my hand out and he flies back, bring his hand down dragging it along the concrete creating a hole as he flies back.

"That was cheap." He says standing up, I drop my arm and get into a fighting stance. "You did it first." I argue before launching myself at him. I throw a punch, hitting him square in the chest. He tries to kick my legs out from under me but I dodge out of his way throwing his further back with my power and he hits a car setting off the alarm. Richard gets up with a groan "you always have been a cheater." He says before I punch him in the face. He spits blood to the side "I guess I shouldn't have expected you to fight fair."

I roll my eyes and use my power to keep him still "you were sent to hunt me.' I say through gritted teeth "you honestly expect me to fight you with everything I have?" I knee him in the stomach and he doubles over. As he does I take a hold of his head and bring it to meet my knee, I hear the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking. "I'm not going back there Richard, you know better than anyone I don't belong there." I let him go and I take a few steps back.

"And you can tell him that when you go running back." I bend down so I am level with him, he is slumped down on the ground, head resting on the car behind him "you can also tell him that if he sends another person after me. I will send him back their head."

I then straighten and turn back to the two men staring at me in shock, "let's go see Will." I say brushing my hair out of my face. I climb back up the steps and Steve just stares at me in awe "what are you staring at Harrington?" I ask brushing past him and back into the hospital.


It's Christmas Day and I am sitting downstairs with Dustin and our mum, the lights twinkling and my record player crackling in the background. "Open this one." I say leaning over and grabbing a neatly wrapped present from underneath the tree, he takes it hesitantly but when he rips over the wrapping paper his face lights up and I smile. Dustin jerks his head towards me and smiles at me "you seriously got me a Rubik's cube?" he asks and I nod my head, crossing my legs. "I know how much you wanted one and I feel like if anyone can solve it, it would be you. You are like crazy smart."

My brother hugs me and I embrace him warmly. The record starts crackling and I stand up to go and put another one on. "Lorri, this is one for you." Dustin says holding out a present and waiting for me to come back. I sit back down next to him, another record playing in the background "it's from me." He says proudly puffing out his chest. I nod and rip open the present, inside it is a photo album similar to the one I had years ago but this time inside is Dustin, his friends as well as me and Jonathan throughout and my chest squeeze's tightly as the sight.

"Thank you so much." I say and mean every word. After the presents are all opened we have a nice meal before I go back upstairs to take a nap. I climb into bed and just shut my eyes when my window slides open.

I leap out of bed and pick up my gun from under my pillow, pressing it against the temple of the intruder. "Woah! Woah! Woah!" A familiar voice says in a panicked tone, I look over him and realise it is "Steve. Jesus Christ! I could have killed you." I say lowering my gun. I move to tuck it back underneath my pillow and Steve lowers his arms "wouldn't be the first time." he muses, eluding to the fact I pointed a gun at his head to try and get him to leave while we hunted the demagorgan.

"And you couldn't use the door like a normal person because?" I ask sitting down on the edge of my bed and crossing one leg over the other. Steve scratches the back of his neck awkwardly clutching something in his hands "well I didn't want anyone to assume anything and I know how your brother likes to talk about everything." He starts stepping forward a few steps "I got you a present." He holds out the package and I take it a little hesitantly. "It isn't much but I thought I should give you something for saving my life." I unwrap the present and suck in a breath. Inside is a cream coloured cardigan, I look up at Steve and he gives me a shy smile. So different from the confident boy bully I have known my whole life.

He looks down at his feet "I remember how in 6th grade me and Carol ruined your last one. You were deviated, I think that was the first time I had ever felt guilty about the things I had done." He looks back up at me, he goes slightly red. "I am so sorry." He says sincerely "I know I have a long way to go to make up for everything I have put you through. That jacket is just the beginning." I don't say anything, I just stand up walk towards him and throw my arms around his neck.

This seems to catch him off guard but soon enough Steve envelopes me in a a hug. I close my eyes and let myself revel in the embrace. "Thank you Steve." I say gently "this means to much to me." I can picture the smile he has now on his face and this time I smile too.

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