4. You have got to be joking

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I shot Gober, Adam and Charlie warning looks, if Jerome and her stupid ice dancer freinds caught us now we'd be so dead, I passed them all their respective cans, since we coulnd't find the girls's room we decided the next best thing was proabably their locker room. "Ready?" I whispered as I turned my flashlight on to go and look for Jerome's locker. She was going to be so pissed tomorrow, but it would have been rude of us not to welcome our new teachers


A scream loud enough to make birds fly off trees in the movies rang through the domes rink, Viola and shared worried looks before we started running towards the sound. Elsa stood in front of our locker room a stony expression on her fa e as she whipped around, "those mother fu-" I clapped my had around her mouth as two little children walked past. She pushed it away and gestued into our locker room, "look at what those hockey rats did to our Locker room." she snapped. 

My mouth dropped open, our things hung out of our lcokers the locks discarded on the floor and whipped cream covered the floor as well as the inside of the lockers we had been using. Mendoza was so dead. "I'm going to murder whoever's responsible for this." I muttered stepping inside and over the disgusitng white paste that lines the floor, I gaged as I cleared it out of my locker to find my skates, luckily their case was water proof so they should be fine. My leotard however had not been so lucky, I had ung it up inside the locker last night so that it wouldn't wrinkle and since no one but me and Vi had the key to my locker I hadn't been particularly worried about something like this happened. 

My leotard was ruined, the blue skirt was all splotchy and soaking with whipped cream the small sking colour sort of see through thing at the top had whipped cream in every crease and it sagged under the weight as it took ot off the hook, I grabbed my skates and stormed out of my locker room, "look at what they did to my leotard, Elsa's eyes narrowed and a scowl formed on her lips, she threw a look over at the dress in her locker before storming in and snatching her things out. Viola came out a second later with hers. 

We started running back towards the rink where we had seen teh ducks practicing, I shoved my feet into my skates and then hastily tied up the strings, before grabbing my leotard and getting onto the ice. I skated into the middle of their game twirling out of the way of Charlie who hadn't seen me. Their coach ran onto the ice, "hey Julia what the hell are you doing?" 

I scoffed, "what am I doing, what are your players doing? Have you seen our locker room? It's a pigstie thanks to them", I showed him my leotard, "look at what Mendoza did to my leotard." 

Mendoza scoffed, "you have no proof that I did that Jerome get off the ice, we've booked it for the next two hours, just wash the stupid and stop being such a baby." 

I was joined by Elsa who shot that Banks kid a withering look, "wash it?" she snapped incredulously, "do you know what would happen if I washed this lump of useless fabric, it would fall apart!" 

"Do you have any idea how expensive leotards can be?"  Violet shouted at them, "not everyone on our team is rich like you assholes, I can't ask my mother for this kind of money on such short notice!"

I could see Charlie cringe at the comment, "all of you are so dead."

The coach shot us all a frustrated look, "girls you have absolutely no proof at all that my boys did that to your lockeroom, get off my ice and stop disrupting my lesson." I balled my fingers into fists my nails digging half moons into my palm. They were so going to pay for that, I tossed my leotard in the bin agressively as I went to the bench to take off my skates again.

Vi looked absolutely crushed, "Jaige what the hell am I supposed to do?" I put my arm around her shoulder, "worst case I'll have my mother send over oen of my old ones, you're around my size anyways, I can try make one. I'm no seamstress but I'm not a complete idiot with a sowing machine.

Elsa turned to me, "I know we're not freinds and the idea of spending a lot of time with you isn't my favourite but there is no way we can let them off for what they just did." I nodded, "there is no way we're letting them get away with this, we have to get revenge, starting with the lesson where we're training them today, those boys are going to feel pain lile never before." I threatened. 

Skates Out // a Luis Mendoza Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now