10. I hope you're joking

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I had planned to spend the morning perfecting my quarduple axel, instead I was coaching Mendoza. He rolled his eyes at my sour expression, "you look like I chose this, believe me if I had decided we wouldn't be in this position either."

I scowled, "well I hope your not expecting me to smile or something, besides if I want to be pissed off I can be, that's none of your concern. Now catch me, you still have another ten minutes."

I jumped swiftly out of his way landing on one foot and skating back wards before turning around and skating faster again, he caught up quickly but I started zig zagging across the ice doing cross overs. "Come on Mendoza, I really thought you'd be better at this by now."

Apparently I spoke too soon because all of a sudden I felt two arms enclose around my legs, my world tipped sideways as I crashed down onto the ice. My head hit the ice with a smack and pain seared through my wrist, arm and waist. When I opened my eyes I could see that Mendoza had tackled me onto the ground.

I whacked him on the head wincing, "what the hell is your problem? Do you have any idea how painful that was?" I screwed up my face when I tried to push up on my hand.

"Well maybe if you didn't keep rubbing it in my face you wouldn't have gotten the better of me and provoked me to do this!" He snapped at me.

"Oh I'm sorry provoked? I at no point remember saying, 'I bet you can't knock me down and injure me Mendoza'!" I snapped at him. Mendoza rolled his eyes at me, "oh my god aren't you dramatic, I'm sorry ok."

I hit him again repeatedly, "you are such an ass sometimes do you know that?!"

He scowled at me, "you are such an ass sometimes do you know that?" Mendoza mimicked making a face.

"Oh my god I'm going to kill you!" I snapped at him, "you can be such a jerk sometimes! I cannot believe people find you likeable!"

"Oh my god I'm going to kill you! you can be such a jerk sometimes,! I cannot believe people find you likeable!" Mendoza continued as he got up and started skating back. "Now it's your turn to catch me and we'll see how well you do."

I scoffed, that uppity asshole wanted to use my own game against me? Fine, I would show him. "Your on Mendoza." I growled getting up and skating towards him.

He turned sharply away from me but I twisted around and came to cut him off from the front. He looked surprise me as he screeched to a halt and started skating backwards.

"Not as easy as I make it look?" I taunted as he barely managed to get out of my way.
He rolled his eyes, "don't flatter yourself Jerome."

Eventually I had him cornered in the round-ish corner of the rink, the only escape would be if he managed to skate through me and that would defeat the purpose of the game.

I grinned, "better luck next time."
I could tell that despite his frustration he was a little amused, he rolled his eyes but it was a little more light hearted.

I hear the door open behind us and Igor walked in. Shit. I had been avoiding him all day.
Yesterday he had been getting in my nerves about getting back together and how he knew I wasn't over him. So I told him he didn't have a chance because I was so over him that I had a boyfriend now. The only problem was he wanted proof, which was a problem since my boyfriend was imaginary so far.

So I did the only logical thing. I turned to Mendoza and grabbed his stupid jersey. "I'm so sorry." I muttered quickly before I pulled in towards me and kissed him.

His eyes widened in surprise and before he could push me away I moved away from him. The look on both his and Igor's face was priceless. "JJ!" He hissed at me, "what the hell are you doing?"

I shot him a pleading look, "just go along with it until he leaves! I'll explain everything afterwards."
"Fine." He scowled, "but you better have a fucking great explanation."

Igor and his friends walked down the stairs, "when we met I though you said he was no one." He asked testily.
Mendoza beat me to it, "obviously she changed her mind Amselik." He drawled putting his arm around me.

Igor scoffed, "you can't be serious."
I smirked, "I'm very serious. It was time I got a boyfriend who was actually good at hockey. Not just one who's a poser."

He glared at me, "I'd be careful who you're going around calling a poser blackjack."
I glowered back, "it's Julia now." I gritted out. "Blackjack and her horrendous taste in men are hurried six feet under. Stop pretending you know me anymore and get lost asshole."

Igor sneered at me, "I'll see you around Julia. Let's see how well things are going with your boyfriend then."
With that he and his friends walked back up the stairs and slammed the door behind them.

Mendoza didn't miss a beat, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? I don't know what your idea of flirting is but where the hell did you get the idea that we were a thing?!"

I sighed, "relax Mendoza, I'm not an idiot. So let me explain."
He gestured for me to continue, "as you know Igor has been hounding me to get back together with him since he got here and yesterday I finally realised I can't just tell him we're not together I have to show him. And a boyfriend is the perfect way to do that. The only downside is that it's you."

He gaped at me, "I hope your joking JJ. I am not going to be your fake boyfriend!"
I grimaced, "I wish I was. Look if I could have it any other way, believe me, I would. But the damage is done so will you help me or not?"

He sighed running his hand through his hair, "what's in it for me?"
I shrugged, "anything you want."
He raised his eyebrows surprised, "anything?"
I nodded, "anything. Expect for commuting a serious crime or any form of prostitution."

He snorted, "Jesus, I'm not that bad. And yeah I'll do it. I'll tell you what I want when u think of it."
I nodded, "deal."
He held out his hand and I shook it, "what are the rules?"

I hadn't thought about that yet. "Do you want to go to the smoothie bar and discuss it there? Elsa and Adam have their one on one in five minutes anyways so no one will know if we skipped out."

He nodded yeah let's get changed and I'll see you up there.

We sat down at a table fifteen minutes later. "So rule number one, is obvious don't tell anyone, and that includes our friends because if we can make then believe it we can make Igor believe it too."

He nodded, "that's going to be a hard one but yeah I guess that makes sense."
Viola and Elsa would be near impossible to convince but if I could do that then our ruse was foolproof.

"Next rule is limited PDA obviously, holding hands, stuff like that is fine and the kissing part only if it's really necessary and we have to really sell it." I went on.
Mendoza agreed, "let's keep that to as little as possible."
I nodded, "definitely."

Was there anything else? "We can think of the rest along the way. If you have any just let me know."
He shook his head, "I cannot believe this is happening right though, I thought fake dating was reserved for rom coms."

I couldn't help agreeing with him. What the hell had I gotten myself into...?

A/N: sorry it took so long :)

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