15. Strike

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I knelt down on the carpet in the corridor outside of Ivan's hotel picking the lock. "This might be the stupidest idea you've had yet." Elsa muttered shaking her head. She'd insisted on coming along to make sure I didn't fuck this up completely.

Viola snorted, "I can't believe I'm saying this but Elsa's right. This is an idiotic plan Jaige."
I shrugged them off, "I'm sick and tired of that asshole meddling, and now that he's dragging other people into it he needs to be given a taste of his own medicine."

I took the hockey stick from her before tying back my hair and walking into the darkened room. I spotted his bed quickly and shoved him off the bed to wake him up. Ivan groaned coughing as he looked up at me.

I dragged him to his feet pulling on his ear, "get up." I snapped at him.
He crossed his arms looking me up and down in my pyjama, "come to your senses then Julia?"

I glared at him, "not quite." I answered before putting my second hand on the hockey stick and swinging it up right between his legs. Ivan doubled over gasping for air, "you crazy bitch!" He choked out.

"Stay the hell away from me dickhead." I warned in a low voice, "and don't even think about ratting me out, because if you do I'll tell everyone the truth about you paying that guy on the ice today."

With that I walked out of the room slamming the door behind me satisfied, hopefully that would be a lesson enough. Although I highly doubted it, Ivan was the relentlessly persistent type, he was like an annoying rash that wouldn't go away.

Elsa and Vi shot me expectant looks, I grinned back at them, "most gratifying thing I've ever done." I replied laughing to myself. "Let's get the hell out of here." 

I froze as we walked down the corridor a familiar group coming towards us, "what the hell are you doing here?" I asked frowning as Mendoza, Banks, Charlie, Julie and Connie walked towards us. 

"We're here to give Ivan a taste of his own medecine." Mendoza replied crossing his arms, "you?"


I started at JJ expectantly and a smile that can only be desbriced as pure, gleeful evil bloomed on her face, "the same. And don't worry, I've already taken care of him for you." she twirled the hockeystick against the floor lightly exchanging a knowing look with her friend. 

Banks made a worried face, "what the hell did you do to him." he knew first hand how intimidating JJ would be considering she had tried to beat him up on the ice before. 

"Let't just say that he might have trouble continuing the Igor lineage in the future, and that he is currently suffering from a very new contidion called flat balls, it's contraced by having a hockystick slammed into your groin." Viola explained high fiving JJ. 

Elsa nodded, "terribly tragic. You're luck none of you have got it yet, but there's always a first time for everything." she said shooting Banks a pointed look.

Charlie, Banks and I exchanged horrified looks, that was just brutal. Sometimes I forgot about their violent streak. I knew I was already on JJ's bad side, but hopefull this fake dating crap would beek me from driftting into the area Igor was on because I had no intention of having to deal with that crap.

But he defintely deserved it, so I wasn't at all sympathetic towards him, even Elsa, his own cousin seemed overjoyed at the idea that something that painful had happened to him. He of all people had had this coming for ages now. I was just pissed that wasn't the one that could give it to him. 

I frowned when I took a closer look at the stick JJ was holding, "is that mine?" 

She shrugged, "possibly, I just grabbed the first one I could find in your locker room, you can take it back." 

I caught it when she tossed it to me seeing the LM that I had written on the top in sharpie, so it was mine. At least I had had a part in it somehow then, although i was sure that I would get another chance to be an ass to him. He didn't seem the type to get the hint, even if the clue had been as massive as the one that JJ had given him. 

But that was his problem, and I would gladly give him another hint to jog his memory of this event. 

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