19. Function

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We still hadn't gotten anywhere, there didn't seem to be a fathomable reason why Jess had done this and why anyone one would want to kidnap me or whatever. But tonight we were putting all of that in the back of our minds. The skaters function that was being hosted tonight, it was a huge deal, all of the sponsers and reporters were there and a lot of olympians as well. It was one of the only events for skating so everyone came. 

I turned to Viola, "what do you think of the dress, too much?" 

She shook her head, "perfect actually. That shade of blue really suits you Jaige."

I nodded satisfied, "I'm sorry you have to go as Charlie's date, I don't know why Mendoza was being such a little bitch about it. If he had to suffer then Charlie did too or whatever." 

Vi shrugged unbothered, "I'm pretty sure that was only because he knew there was no way he could get Elsa and Banks to go together." 

The idea was laughable, "one of them would have killed the other by the end of the night that;s for sure." 

The buzzer for our room sounded and we grabbed our bags before opening the door for our 'dates' even if it was forced I guess it sort of counted. I wouldn't even have minded going alone had I not known that Igor was going to be there and he got particulalry harassy when he was drunk. 

"And your trying to ward Igor away with that dress?" Mendoza asked amused as we walked down the hall. 

I scoffed, "like I would change the way I dress for that idiot, he's going to be a dick tonight regardless of what I wear so I might as well dress nicely." 

He nodded, "fair enough, it suits you surprisingly well."

I shoved him annoyed, "surprisingly? Way to be charming." 

"I don't remember that being in the rules of our agreement." He teased me making me roll my eyes. 

"Oh your right, my bad you hideous jerk, who knew you could actually pull of a suit?" I asked testily, "is that more along the lines of what you were expecting." 

Mendoza laughed, "definitely. Has anyone ever told you how strange you are sometimes?"

"No, because everyone else rightly belives I'm perfect." I replied flashing him a smile. 

"Like anyone would belive that, I bet you can't even name one person who's said that to you." he  countered sceptically. 

"My Dad, he calls me his perfect angel." I replied smirking. 

"Well, obviously, he's your Dad." 

I shrugged, "so? It still counts doesn't it?" 

"If you want to flatter yourself." Mendoza answered shaking his head.

We were lucky because the venue was only a ten minute walk from our hotel, I stumbled at a slightly raised pavement block grabbing onto Mendoza sto steady myself. "Aren't figure skaters supposed to have grace?" He asked grinning.

I made a face at him, "you try walking in my heels and then talk." 

"I'll pass thanks." He told me. 

"That's what I thought. So don't judge me." I replied was we made our way up the steps. 

I made sure that Mendoza's arm was around my waist and I was leaning into him while we walked into the foyer, I had the feeling Igor would be waiting and I wanted him to know right off the bat that I was here with someone tonight. 

"Julia." He drawled stalking over to me. 

I held my had in his face as a gesture for him to stop talking, "Luis, do you hear that annoying buzzing sound coming from over here?"

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