5. Revenge is a dish best served ICE cold.

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I was mega pissed, Mendoza and his asshole teamates had cost us a lot of money and now, we were going to repay the favour, I just wasn't quite sure how. "I've got it!" Elsa yelled, "we'll set their uniforms on fire!" Vi and I let out a groan, "way to violent." I muttered. We had been sitting down in our room for about an hour now trying to think of a revenge plan. 

"Not to mention hypocritical, we called them out for ruining our uniforms and now we go and do the same to theirs." Viola pointed out. I nodded, "no we need something that will absolutely humiliate them to a point of no return." 

Sophie May looked up from her magazine, "well I heard from some of the staff that the ducks were meeting with some fans tomorrow at the rink to give a publicity demonstration. That could be a good time." 

I nodded, "you're right, it's perfect timing. The question is what are we going to do? And which ones we're going to do it to, I'm sure Ken wouldn't be stupid enough to wreck our leotards and Charlie seems to nice." 

Viola snorted, "I wouldn't count him out just yet. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would let us boss around his team mates like that." 

I shrugged, "if you say so. What about if we put ice in their uniforms just before they went on the ice." 

Elsa looked up from her bed intrigued, "as in, ice cubes?" 

I nodded, "genius right? Especially since the evidence is going to melt away before they can get it out."


Our 'lesson' with the figure skaters had been postponed to tommorrow because of our publicity deal, coach was already so stressed about everything having to right we had been drilling for hours on end last night. I don't know what has gotten into him recently.

I could see the figure skating girls walk down to the rink whispering to eachother, probably about us it was a good thing they had absolutely zero proof we trashed their locker room otherwise we wold be in deep whit right now. 

They walked voer to us with weirdly happy grins on their faces, Viola put her arm around Charlies shoulder smiling brightly and that Elsa chick that Adam keeps complaining about walked up to him putting his hand on her shoulder. To my great dismay, Jerome sauntered up to me a smirk on her face, "good luck on your publicity stunt. We sincerly hope you guys don't screw it up, that would be a real shame." 

I frowned at her, "what the hell are you being so weird for? Get the hell away from me Jerome." She was being freakishly nice and I did not like it. I could see the guests start to fill up their seats. She nodded, "well like I said, try not to make a mess of things, I hear this is super important for you guys."

She patted me on the back and I could feel something cold trickle down my spine. Nodding at the others they started to jog out of the auditorim and I could feel something really cold at the back of my uniform. I bit back a yelp as it touched my skin. 

Charlie and Adam shot me concerned looks, "you too?" they asked staring at the door way the skaters had left through, those little witches. "What the hell is this thing?" I asked squirming around in my suit trying to shimmy it out. We must have looked ridiculous. I could see someone in the audience point it out making the whole left side turn to stare at us as she tried to get whatever freezing thing was sliding around in our uniform out. 

Bombay stormed up to us, "what the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked us furiously. I glared at him, '"those shitty little figure skaters put ice cubes in our uniform. it's freezing!" Bombay glarded at us, "well them maybe you souldn't have trashed their locker room, I'm not stupid I could tell youwere lying yesterday. Now get the hell on the ice and start playing before you get laughed at and I get embarrassed even more than has already happened. Do I make myself clear." 

"But coach!" I protested as the ice FINALLY  started to thin, "it's not our fault"!

"Get the hell out on that ice Mendoz before I kick your ass." 

I mentally flipped on JJ before skating on the ice a scowl on my face. Boy was she going to pay for this. 

Skates Out // a Luis Mendoza Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now