6. Boys and bruises

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I was contemplating murder, thanks to the figure skaters we mad made the headline of almsot ever L.A newspaper. I'll give an example. TEAM USA HAS AN ICE COLD WIPE OUT, or my personal favourite, MIGHTY DUCKS? MORE LIKE DANCING DUCKS

Charlie continued reading the article outloud, "Mendoza, Banks and Conway, supposedly three of team USA"s best players completely freaked out before yesterdays publicity game."

Adam threw his helmet on the floor of the locker room, "god those stuck up brats deserve all the pain they're going to get in the lesson today." 

I snorted getting up, "they always complain about how we have no idea how hard it is to be a figure skater but today they're going to learn that being an ice hockey player is no walk in the park either."

We geared up and walked down to the rink where the girls were already waiting for us chatting exitedly. They weren't wearing their leotards, probably because we'd ruined them, their happy expressions bloomed into smirks when they saw us. 

"Heyy ice dancers, how was your game yesterday, sorry we could stick around." JJ called from her position leaning against the ice. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her eyes sparkled with the light reflecting off the light, a small smirk played on her lips. 

Adam snapped his fingers infront of my face, "Luis!" he hissed, "stop staring it's creepy." 

"I wasn't staring." I muttered as we walked towards them, Charlie scoffed, "dream on, she's pretty and you know it. If I wasn't afraid you wouldn't slam me on the ice for saying this I'd think you might even like her." 

"Shut up Charlie, I'll slam you for thinking it, besides it's not like you can talk, you haven't taken your eyes off of Viola from the second she arrived here." I replied making Adam bite back a laugh we both shot him a look. 

"Don't even let us get started on you Banks." I muttered making Charlie laugh as we got on the ice. "We want to start you guys can teach us to spin like pretty princesses after we're done with you." 

"If you haven't quit by then." Charlie whispered making us snicker, they whipped around, "what?" Elsa asked her eyes blazing. I would never admit it but she was quite intense, it was a bit freaky.

"Come on Jerome, I don't have all day." I complained skating out onto the ice. She rolled her eyes, "yes you do. Now get on with it." I glared at her, "well what are you waiting for? Start racing, I want two laps and then you report back to me." 

"Ja mein Kapitän." she muttered sarcastically before racing off, she and Viola shared pained looks across the ice. "FASTER Jerome this is ice skating not BALLET!" 

She flipped me off making her teacher bark her name angrily. When she was done she came to a stop in front of me. "Now shuttle runs. No slacking please." 

She bit back a remark angrily before skating off and starting her shuttle runs, Viola paired up next to her and Elsa next to her, Adam and Charlie came over to stand next to me as they started skating. 

"Hurry up, lets go, lets go, lets goooooooo!" I shouted at her. JJ stopped dead on the ice, "I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN!" 

"WELL IT'S NOT FAST ENOUGH, IS IT NOW?!" I yelled back as she let out a yell of frustration and contined racing up and down the pitch stopping at each line returning to the back and then going to the next line along. 

I called JJ back over, her face was a bit red now, "now you're going to put on some hockey uniform and we're going to play someone on on, for every time I score, ten laps of the ice." 

Skates Out // a Luis Mendoza Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now