11. Where it all started

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This JJ dating thing had only been going on for a day my friends were being a pain in my ass abut not believing me and so we're hers and I had been threatened by Igor at least five times today already. The man had some serious issues.

We were in coaching when I finally couldn't take it anymore , "please tell me this has been getting on your nerves as much as it has mine."
JJ snorted, "trust me Mendoza I dislike this ad much as you do but Igor hasn't bothered me once today. It's bliss."

That's because he was too busy fucking bothering me! I thought dryly but I understood where she was coming from she had had to put up with this every day and I was bitching after just one.

"Why did you ever date that guy? I mean he's so... annoying." I pointed out.
She shrugged, "I know but I was going through a really shit time, and I was trying to mash out at everyone around me so I thought by getting an asshole boyfriend I could somehow get back at her."

I frowned, "at who?"
She tensed visibly, "my older sister, Jess. She ran away from home when I was thirteen and it crushed me. But I don't like talking about it so let's not."

Fair enough. I guess something like that would have driven me insane too. I only had a younger sister but i could never leave her which made it so surprising that JJ's just up and left.

I didn't actually know what had been going on with JJ while she had been with Igor or what she'd done but from what I had gleaned it wasn't exactly legal or safe.

She was creepily good at fighting too, she had almost kicked Adams ass a couple weeks ago on the ice before her teacher pulled her off. Apparently she had almost been suspended for fighting once. That honestly didn't surprise me.

"Where did you learn to fight?" I asked suddenly breaking the silence that had fallen.
She shrugged, "I can't really remember to be honest. I've always had a very shot temper as you may have noticed and once I got into it with a girl at school and I realised I was actually pretty good."

I raised my eyebrows surprised, "what did she do?"
Her eyes darkened, "she called my sister a stupid slut and said she probably ran away to do what she did best and become a professional whore. So I kicked her ass. She three grades above me."

It reinforced once again why I probably shouldn't mess with her, but it was just too much fun to avoid. I was honestly surprised she hadn't tried to beat me up by now. Although I didn't think she would have found that as easy as her other fights. I had gone to a Floridian public school I knew my way around a fight.

The fact that JJ had a short temper wasn't hard to deduce. That girl had one of the shortest fuses I knew. Then again who was I to talk? Mine was exactly the same.

"Do you want to ditch training and go get some ice cream? We only had fifteen minutes left anyways." JJ asked.
I frowned, she could afford it she had another week, on the other hand I do wasn't bothered with this right now. "Sure. Let's go."

We got changed quickly before leaving the ice rink to go to the stand just down the block. "Do you ever wish we did something else?" She asked randomly.
I shook my head instantly, "no, never. Why, do you?"

She shook her head, "me neither. I've skating is my life there is nothing else I would rather do than my routines on the ice. Contrary to what this skipping for ice cream might suggest."

"Being on the ice is the best feeling in the world." I agreed, "nothing out there could ever top that." 
JJ nodded, "I think the worst imageable rate for me would be being paralysed from the wait down and not being allowed to skate anymore."

"Oh easily. I would wither and die up like a flower without water without the rink and the game." I added.
Today JJ seemed to be feeling surprisingly amicable. I knew it wouldn't last long because it never did with the two of us, we rubbed each other the wrong way too much for that. But it was nice for now.

As we were walking back JJ stopped dead suddenly, her face paled as if she'd seen a ghost. The straciatella in her hand dropping onto the floor and cracking.

"Jerome?" I asked confused, "you alright."
She shook it off rubbing her arms with her hands as if she were cold despite the burning heat.

"Shit sorry. I thought I saw my sister for a second." She mumbled confused, "but it was probably just a figure of my imagination. The private investigator said Jess must have left the continent to stay so hidden. She has no reason to come back."

I frowned as she kept walking ahead a strange expression on her face. The thing that had me the most concerned was the fact that I hadn't seen anyone where she had been looking which meant I was either not very good at seeing or she was hallucinating neither of which were good options.

(A/N: sorry for the long wait and that it's short more up tmrw)

Skates Out // a Luis Mendoza Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now