13. Game Time

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I took a deep breath getting ready to focus, we had a gae in ten minutes, it was getting near the last one too. The team was near shambles our coach was getting in out heads in a bad way. Some kind of psycho competitive spirit had possesed him and now he was drilling us like an army sergeant.

"Nervous?" JJ asked walking up behind me.

I shrugged, "I'll be fine."

"That one skater over there," JJ muttered pointing to some ginger kid practicing shots in the corner. "His right side is really weak, if you go up against him then shoot right because he'll miss for sure."

"And you know this how?" I asked amused.

"I took the liberty of scouting the competition for you." She told me with a sly grin, "I felt bad that this was a one way transaction."

I laughed at her comment, "wow. Who would have thought, you have feelings?"

JJ grimaced at me, "hilarious. Now do you want my help or not?"

I sighed, we would probably need it, "GUYS!" I called to the others, "come on, JJ has a couple things she needs to tell us."

She smirked as the rest of the ducks, or 'team USA' now, gathered around us ready to hear what she had to say. "I have a little advice for all of you." JJ continued hands on her hips, "it's dirt on the other team. So the ginger, weak right side. That black girl over there, um she gets too scared to speed up when she gets near to the end of the rink. And that one, the blonde guy, gets stressed out when he's crowded, so if you're all to close to him while he's shooting he won't be able to shoot for shit."

Julie shot her an impressed look, "thanks Jaige, that's great to know."

She smirked, "you're ever so welcome." When JJ saw Igor watching her from in the stands she turned to me a sweet smile on her face, she kissed me quickly before saying "good luck." and going to sit with her friends.

My team looked shocked to their core, "this is still so out of place to me." Charlie muttered.

He and Adam were the only people who knew it was fake, everyone else thought it was real because JJ thought it would make the relationship seem more real as well.

I smirked, "what can I say? I just got lucky."

We got ready on the ice against the next team, everyone in their posititons, "ready?" Charlie asked.

"I sure fucking hope so." I replied dryly. Lets see if these lessons that Bombosa and Ida had cooked up actually worked. The ref blew the whistle and we were off.

Connie grabbed the puck and went straight up to the goal the rest of us following behind, she passed it to Fulton and who kept it going up the ice. The ginger JJ had been talking about came straight for him and Fulton passed it to his right where Guy was waiting. Looks like we had something going for us after all if her advice did work.

The game was going okay we were tied at the moment, because the other team was really good too but at least we weren't losing and that was all we needed right now. Although I would never admit it to her face, JJ had really helped with my skating. That stupid game she always made me play at the beginning of our sessions was paying off, I was turning sharper than before and it was really helping.

I could see her watching me in the stands smugly, I was never going to here the end of this because she knew I had improved. Charlie snapped his fingers in my face as we lined up again, "focus. You can stare at your girlfriend later." He told me.

I nodded, "you got it. You're playing better thanks to Vi now."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied not meeting my eye.

Skates Out // a Luis Mendoza Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now