Chapter 1

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The afternoon is around the corner. I haven't slept at all, I was just sitting at my bed and I was thinking how my life has been so far. I just wake up everyday and I look at the woman in the mirror. I don't even know her anymore. The eyes don't shine the same, the body seems dead, I was a living dead. All alone but not forgotten, that's what my mind was telling me when I was feeling lonely. The bed is my comfort place at this time and all of my friends are disappearing as the months go by and I don't reach out. They still in shock, I mean I told them that I was leaving London so I could find a muse in that small village and here I am depressed. 

Harry told me that he will going to be here on the afternoon. The sun is shining bright and the birds are singing a happy song that made my heart skip a bit from the happiness they are feeling. Mother nature is at her best and I can't enjoy it. I am only looking forward for my coffee with Harry. I should have told him to be here when it was late enough so the old town doesn't have so many people outside to recognize him. I am not afraid for myself. I am not that famous and I blend too good with the crowd. 

I hear my bell ringing. I know who it was. Nobody else knew me here, nobody else knew where my Airbnb was. I open the door and I see a smiling Harry looking at me and greeting me. He seems anxious and the dark circles under his eyes are too obvious to miss. 

"Hello Harry, come on in. I'm not ready yet." 

"Don't worry, I came here sooner than I was expecting. I live near close to you." 

"You didn't sleep, did you?" I ask him immediately. I know that he is expecting that question. 

"No, but you didn't sleep as well." 

"I don't sleep enough, that is true." I agree with him. What is the point of lying? "But why didn't you sleep? I don't try to make you uncomfortable but maybe I know some tricks for you to fall asleep." 

"I'm really nervous about the album. My manager is thinking to put a deadline so I would be stressed enough to write something. I don't want to put out something that isn't me. I'm the one that will sing them forever, not them." He says and I can understand him. I know the pressure a manager can put on you, and I know all too well how the artists don't want to publish something just because now it's the perfect time. 

"I can understand you and I'm so sorry that I can't help with what you are feeling. I can only recommend you to think outside the box that you have set for yourself. Think about things that make you passionate, that you want people to actually hear and be like this guy is a genius to say such thing with that way. I mean, if you want to write about sushi you can write about sushi." 

"Thank you." It was the only think he says to me and I smile. I tell him that I am ready to leave. 

"Well, I know that you don't want a lot of people to know where you are. So I have the best place for us to go."  When I was walking a night I saw this beautiful corner café. It was really beautiful and I came back the next day. It had a very few customers so I really enjoyed the emptiness and the silence. I thought it was the perfect little café for Harry and I. Maybe nobody would know who he is and we can just be ourselves and don't put on this brave fake face we put for the people's eyes. I have to avoid rumors at all costs at this point. 

"I believe that it will be great. How was your day?"

"I didn't do anything. I still look for some inspiration and I can't find it anywhere."

"Maybe you should start writing about sushi." We laugh at his statement. 

"Yes, I will write a book about sushi and you will write music for a sushi restaurant and who knows, one day we will actually open our own sushi restaurant."

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