Chapter 32

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We are leaving America. I would say finally if we were going back home but no, we are going to Italy, Venice to be exact. Don't worry darling is about to hit the cinemas and Harry has to attend the red carpet and, of course, he wants me with him there. He said that I'm going to be his lucky charm because everything on that movie went awful.

He said to me that everything started out perfectly. He was excited about the movie and the script was perfect but as soon as the filming started everything went downhill. The script changed in one night because Olivia Wilde wanted to play a role in the movie too, she fought with Florence about the intimate scenes and she was hitting on Harry, who never ever looked at her that way. Other than that Harry really says that she is wonderful person.

I don't know if I believe him. Florence is one of the kindest souls out there in the big old Hollywood and I don't think that she was going to say that things about someone else without believing them and without them happening.

At first I was intrigued to know every detail and I wanted to know why the cast doesn't like each other. But that made Harry furious and we had a fight the other day so I'm done with snooping around. He said that he was sorry for shouting but he doesn't want to remember that film and his role to that anymore. He is going to attend every little event and as soon as it's all done he isn't going to speak to anyone, other than Gemma Chan and Chris Pine, ever again. I'm so curious to know what happened between him and Florence and I think that I will never get to know.

The rumors are the worst part of the Venice film festival. There are taking a toll on Harry and he can't control it. He tries his hardest but everyday a new article is coming up just to say that Olivia left her fiancé for a new man and everyone speculate that the reason the two women fought was Harry. He has the image of a heartbreaker but he never mixes up his work with his personal relationships. Nothing like this happened. They all had a big fight about how Olivia decided to promote the movie and that's it. They are not on speaking terms with each other and that makes me sad because it makes Harry sad. Other than that I don't care about anyone else. 

"Darling, I am going straight into the press conference." Harry tells me. "Do you want to come?" 

I shake my head. "No, I don't want to. I will see the updates through Twitter and Instagram." I share my plans, making him shake his head and chuckle. He pecks my lips and then my head and leaves the room. 

I spent my whole time checking Twitter, writing and laughing at the things Harry said. This movie feels like a movie. I even wrote it down so I can ask what he really meant. He feels deeply awkward and he doesn't even know what he is talking about. I am excited to see everybody tomorrow in the red carpet. I am going to attend with Harry but we aren't going to sit together due to director's orders. I am going to sit with Harry Lambert, Jeff and Alessandro Michele, who decided all alone what I should wear. I don't know how to feel that a fashion legend knows my name. I never was into fashion that much but I cried a little when he called me to ask me if I want to wear blue or black on the carpet. I am going with black, though, not wanting to outshine my boy. I said to Alessandro to pick something not too extravagant, I want to be someone well dressed but not like the dress is made for me because I'm the star of the movie. Alessandro, on the other hand, said that it's my first public appearance with Harry, so I have to be as extra as possible. He chose a Vintage dress.  

"I'm back." The door opens and Harry comes in. He looks like he is deeply in thought and somehow sad. 

"What happened?" I ask him as he sits in bed. I put my hands around his neck letting him to be the little spoon. 

"She's insufferable." He says. "Her narrative is making me feel awkward and I wish I never see her again. All of them. The only person that is good to me is Gemma, and maybe Nick and Ali." 

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